Example sentences of "[noun] of [num] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Associated Press reported on March 26 that Pentacon , the Dresden company producing Praktica cameras , was to be merged with the west German company Beroflex , which made Rollei cameras , with the loss of 4,000 out of 5,000 jobs .
2 But what is the good of three on to one .
3 That planning has been poor is more the fault of the economy than BR , the high interest rates at the end of 1989 being seen as likely to repeat the recession of 1981 out of which we climbed so painfully .
4 When was there one occasion when a government of any colour was imposed upon England against the wishes of three out of every four English voters ?
5 For example , you might decide you want the speed of the processor to be over 33MHz but it 's not essential — so you 'd give this a rating of two out of five .
6 A " legislative coup " was narrowly averted when three opposition deputies crossed the floor , giving Borja a majority of 38 out of a total of 72 deputies .
7 ’ The concluding words show that a claim to contribution might arise under the Act of 1935 out of tortious conduct committed by two or more persons even though one or both of them may have committed a crime in the course of such conduct .
8 It considered whether the definition of sexual intercourse should be expanded in the case of the relatively insignificant offence of taking an unmarried girl of 18 out of the possession of her parent with intent to have sexual intercourse , and concluded that little would be achieved by doing so .
9 Soon after I arrived , with the parish church nearly full ( it seats about 250 ) , Hartmut took a team of twelve out from the church to form a new congregation in a disused Brethren hall given to us free of charge .
10 And they had the , the erm they had sort of five out of the five or six horses that I thought were in with a good chance at eight to one .
11 Moreover , there exists a striking 99% homology between the two deduced amino acid sequences ( a difference of 3 out of 426 aa ) .
12 When Camille had choked on an Aztec cuff-link , a sizeable piece of jewellery such as had then been fashionable , Constance 's mum had held her upside down by the ankles and banged her until she disgorged it , while Scarlet had knelt in the unutterable anguish of one about to be bereaved , determining to destroy herself without hesitation should Camille not survive the experience .
13 In the element table ( table 12.3 ) the strong association between elements A and G ( fruit and moon ) is made evident with a score of five out of six possible matchings .
14 Dark Peak Aircraft Wrecks 2 ( Pen and Sword Books Ltd , 192pp , illus , sbk , £9.95 ) by Ron Collier tells the stories of 26 out of the 50 aircraft that have crashed in the Dark Peak area of the peak District National Park over the past 60 years .
15 I took the wad of twenties out of the bag and stuffed them into the back pocket of my jeans .
16 The news will involve no redundancies : Ms Rebuck effected a swingeing cost-cutting ( and job-cutting ) exercise at Random House last year , and the company is currently trading well , with sales in the first quarter of 1993 up by 15% on the same period in 1992 , despite ( or because of ) a reduction in new trade titles of 35% .
17 This coverage was epitomised by a photograph of a demonstrator appearing to kick a policeman in the head , featured on the front pages of seven out of the ten newspapers analysed .
18 The institutions themselves succeeded in raising fifty per cent of the price of eleven out of the eighteen drawings and the support of the National Art Collections Fund , the National Heritage Memorial Fund and the Foundation for Sport and the Arts has been crucial in raising most of the remaining moneys required .
19 He confirmed the view that among perfectly ordinary people , who were neither Pharaohs nor priests , full brother-sister marriages occurred in a minimum of nine out of the 113 marriages he analysed , If the less certain cases are also included along with marriages between half-siblings , the proportion of incestuous marriages was of the order of 20% .
20 However , healthy skin rebounds back to a normal pH of 4.5 in about 10–15 minutes .
21 In 1990 out of an intake of 48 on to the new graduates management training course 13 were women , in 1991 this had risen to 30 out of 90 .
22 And 800 of the best fighters in Northern Ireland — including the holders of nine out of 11 Northern Ireland team titles — are to boycott this year 's provincial championships in November .
23 Second , would assessments which had been made from the age of 11 up to 16 be reflected in the record of each student 's achievement at the age of 16 plus ?
24 From the age of five up to ten school is quite easy but from then on it is no joke !
25 Where combined schools exist , usually in areas where primary and secondary schools have been replaced by first , middle and high schools and whole first and middle schools are occasionally run into a single ( combined school ) organization , there is some continuity of teacher programming from the age of 5 through to 12 years .
26 The crimes of detaining a woman against her will with the intention that she shall marry or have unlawful sexual intercourse , and taking an unmarried girl under the age of 18 out of the possession of her parent or guardian with intent that she shall have sexual intercourse , are restricted in the same fashion .
27 It truly was a parochial effort as children from the age of six up to the oldest members took part .
28 Comparisons with other Western wage profiles also reveal a contrast particularly for blue-collar workers who in France and West Germany experience a slower growth in wages with a lower peak wage which is maintained from the age of 25 through to retirement ( Shirai 1983 p.31 ) .
29 The payment is calculated as one and a half week 's pay for each year of continuous employment over the age of 40 up to 65 for a man and 60 for a woman , one week 's pay for each year between the ages of 22 and 40 , and half a week 's pay for each year between the ages of 18 and 21 .
30 Human CFTR expression was seen in the airways of three out of four animals transfected with pREP8-CFTR and , in at least one transfected animal , human CFTR sequences were detected in all five lobes of the lung .
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