Example sentences of "[noun] of [v-ing] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 To schematise , the British working class has not been ready to run the risks of attempting to constitute itself as the ruling class , of putting forward concrete proposals for working class control over industry and finance and fighting seriously to achieve them .
2 That 's right , we 've got to balance that with the fact that we did promise them a decrease , but we 've got the erm leverage of having helped them .
3 Ken kept his sheet music in the one he had constructed in the small back bedroom , so fear of splashing kept it on the whole unused .
4 His sister Elizabeth had preferred not to attend the ceremony for fear of appearing to condone his alliance with one of her housemaids , and the Bradfords ' staff had been equally disapproving of one of their number presuming to move up into such illustrious circles .
5 Re-baiting with a new crust I cast towards the branches , but my subconscious fear of snagging makes me cast a couple of feet short , but I decide to leave it and see what happens .
6 ‘ Nowadays ’ , said Bismarck in 1884 , ‘ no Government is strong enough to stand the reproach of having sacrificed its own national interests as a favour to a friendly Power . ’
7 ‘ I 'll make sure that I 'll bring her back in one piece , ’ André was saying , but Piers had turned away and gave no indication of having heard what was being said to him .
8 But there are big problems that arise there because of this practice of having leave it to my spouse if she survives twenty eight days .
9 ‘ And if you have any intention of trying to keep her from me , I warn you , I wo n't stand for it ! ’
10 But be assured , I had no intention of trying to buy your favours with the price of a meal . ’
11 And the TCCB disciplinary committee is due to meet at the weekend to decide whether to increase Lamb 's punishment for the awful crime of failing to get his comments cleared by Lord 's before they were published in the Mirror .
12 There were , of course , grounds for taking it ; they could well argue the impossibility of continuing to give their loyalty and service to a monarch who was creating a totally new situation by failing in her fundamental duty of ruling her people .
13 Othello ends up with the same poisoned suspicions as Iago , who had earlier confessed that he suspects both Othello and Cassio of having cuckolded him with Emilia ( II.i.285ff . ) .
14 She felt like a government health warning , but the sheer pleasure of having won her first big race made up for it all .
15 Was it his own action of having held her against him ?
16 This expresses the confidence and boldness of having said it all .
17 I could not keep up with the demands of trying to keep everyone happy , and in desperation to make sure I keep my looks , I gave up eating , ’ she is alleged to have said .
18 ‘ He was up against international defenders and they paid him the ultimate compliment of having to trip him up half of the time .
19 The Rank Organisation 's policy requires employees who leave within 12 months of moving to repay their disturbance allowance , all fees for which they have received reimbursement , removal costs , travel costs and any out-of-pocket expenses paid by the company .
20 And it seemed that within three months of going to see her , the bingeing and fasting , and endless weighing myself and despairing at my size , had stopped .
21 She had two young children and was going to be thirty she felt the responsibility of having to forget her fantasy life as her Frenchman 's cabin boy .
22 He took 17 hours to hatch at an ostrich farm at Weeton , Lancs — egged on by ranger Philip Bowness , who used an African trick of whistling to encourage him .
23 Hyperactive and overactive young children often can not concentrate long enough to sit at the table and so teaching this is a very important part of learning to control them generally .
24 They are just a part of trying to understand what 's going on inside me as Christmas draws near .
25 If your machine does n't knit double jacquard , the garment is just as nice made from two layers of Fair Isle in fine wool , bound together by strips of knitting to make it totally reversible with different colours each side if you wish .
26 On occasion a member of parliament might be asked to obtain a sinecure , a nominal place which would provide income without the necessity of having to do anything to earn it .
27 The purpose of the section is to protect successful objectors from the necessity of having to renew their objections to the same application for a two year period .
28 The Audit Commission pointed out that 4 million people would be lifted out of the penury of having to pay it and that it would be possible to concentrate on those who can genuinely afford to pay but who do not .
29 I should replace it , but usually it only takes a bit of tinkering to get it going again .
30 One could avoid this difficulty of having to describe what we do not and can not know only if the histories satisfy the no boundary condition : they are finite in extent but have no boundaries , edges , or singularities .
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