Example sentences of "[noun] of [num] is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Robert Green 's card of 1752 is more explicit , leaving nothing to chance ; but he had a reason , for not only was he in business as a furnishing undertaker but also provided a wholesale service to the trade in general .
2 Pianist of 14 is best young musician
3 Given the conventional wisdom that any change in tax affairs should be put into effect before 5 April , allied to Bernard 's natural impulsiveness and Laura 's love of buying and doing up old houses , the haste with which the Ashleys moved out of Britain in the spring of 1978 is easily understood .
4 These cases highlight the need for vigilance in patients at risk and suggest that the epidemic of parvovirus in the UK over the latter part of 1992 is still continuing .
5 Indeed , the divergence in background among the different groups of rebels may reasonably raise the question whether the rising of 1381 is best described by its traditional name , whether it was in fact a peasants ' revolt .
6 A description of 1678 is so close to the kind of situation which Mayhew would give of London in the mid-nineteenth century , that it must be taken as applying just as much to the eighteenth : a poor woman that goes three days a week to wash or scoure abroad , or one that is employed in nurse-keeping three or four months in a year , or a poor market-woman who attends three or four mornings in a week with her basket , and all the rest of the time these folks have little or nothing to do .
7 For example a maximum glare index of 16 is frequently cited .
8 Restoration of the former LD & ECR six-wheel , five-compartment coach of 1986 is nearly complete and it will very shortly be taking its place in the Museum Bay of the Matthew Kirtley Building with the Midland ‘ Shotton ’ coach and the Royal Saloon , both already resident there .
9 The multiplier of 8-12 is obviously of interest if it is at the top of its range ( 12 x £900,000 less tax £7 million ) .
10 The session of 1536 is best remembered for the dissolution of the smaller monasteries , the union of England and Wales , the establishment of the Court of Augmentations , and the seizure of franchises by the Crown .
11 The construction which is put forward by the Commissioners is one which was adopted by the courts in respect of section 4 of the Bankruptcy Act 1914 , upon which section 265 of the Act of 1986 is plainly modelled .
12 The Hotel Proprietors Act of 1956 is similarly displayed in a prominent position .
13 Er well I realize we 're beg being given illustrations , but I do n't think there 's anybody really dissenting apart from Mr , to the inclusion of eleven is there .
14 Examples like the County Arms at Blaby in Leicestershire ( Pick , Everard , Keay and Gimson ) is more in the Tudor style , while Oliver Hill 's Prospect Inn at Minster in Thanet of 1938 is perhaps one of the most completely modern pubs of the inter-war period in its organic planning and use of floor decoration .
15 ‘ A girl of eighteen is highly impressionable , easily influenced by those who are close to her — particularly in matters relating to money .
16 A team of nine is far more effective than a single person in making contact with schools .
17 Financing of the restoration of 731566 is privately funded at present although the projects can not necessarily rely solely on such means to maintain momentum in the longer term .
18 The UFW 's current membership of 15,000 is only a sixth of its total in the 1970s .
19 The Chicago Civil Aviation Conference of 1944 is rarely discussed today , but it established the forms and organizations that have governed postwar civil aviation to this day .
20 Three key staff have resigned in the past year , and there have been frequent complaints that its establishment of 240 is too low .
21 The median for upholsterers works out at £95 , but the sample of four is too small to qualify for inclusion in the table .
22 A sample of forty is undoubtedly on the small side ; most sociological research studies using empirical data obtain it from larger samples than this .
23 The difference is double the increase in the number of abortions , and one abortion can not be considered to ‘ prevent ’ one live birth — a ratio of 3:1 is often assumed .
24 The first event of 1993 is again fortunate to have secured three leading figures from very different fields of endeavour .
25 ( To place this figure in some sort of context , the BBC drama department 's output for the whole of 1991/92 is only 275 hours . )
26 The father of ten is now a figurehead to thousands .
27 Bold stuff from a man whose pb of 27:51.76 is almost five years behind him , but Solly 's accentuation is firmly on the positive .
28 Our pH 16 values are normally 5 to 9 ; I look upon anything above pH 11½ to be bad — that 's from my experience in the laboratory that to get to a pH of 11 is easily done but to get to a pH of 12 you need a dam sight more alkali .
29 Water condition : Medium to hard water , and a pH of 7.5–9 is ideally suited .
30 The Supplement of 1933 is now being superseded by the much more extensive four-volume Supplement , of which three volumes have appeared ( I ( A-G ) : 1972 ; II ( H-N ) : 1976 ; III ( O-Scz ) : 1982 ) , and the last ( Se-Z ) is due in 1985 .
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