Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun pl] [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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1 Janis is a member of the Commerce and Industry Group and the Association of Women Solicitors of the Law Society .
2 It was reported on April 10 that the heads of customs services of nine CIS member states had agreed that no duties would be paid on cargoes within the CIS .
3 My hon. Friend the Member for Uxbridge would like a review of police powers of search .
4 It is possible that there will be more than one round of interviews , but this simply introduces the repetition of some of the above activities The verdicts of interviewing panels must be recorded and where necessary reconciled with the preferences of applicants Offers of employment must be sent out including contracts Once these ( or alternatives ) have been accepted , rejection letters will be sent out .
5 Thus , for example , if one wanted to study the reactions of women readers of romantic novels to a change in the cover design of a series of books , a group of , say , eight women of varying ages and social classes could be got together either in a house or in a discussion room at a research agency and a trained discussion leader would ask questions of them about their reading interests and , generally speaking , what they expect romantic novels to look like .
6 It is important to note that for a variety of reasons clauses of this kind have been heavily criticized .
7 In the vast majority of cases contracts of the type discussed do not result in litigation .
8 And what we did we created a framework first of all with six pairs of opposites pairs of opposites and er if you remember this happened in a fairly slow and methodical way very much a left brain activity saying well okay is this a valid pair of opposites to do with that .
9 The President would ( i ) submit to the Congress of People 's Deputies annual reports on the state of the country , and would brief the USSR Supreme Soviet " on the most important matters of the USSR 's domestic and foreign policy " ; ( ii ) propose to the USSR Supreme Soviet ( and subsequently to the Congress for confirmation ) candidates for the posts of the Chair of the USSR Council of Ministers ( Prime Minister ) , Chair of the USSR Committee of People 's Control , Chair of the USSR Supreme Court , USSR Procurator General and USSR Chief State Arbiter , as well as recommend to the USSR Supreme Soviet and to the Congress the removal of these officials ( with the exception of the Chairman of the USSR Supreme Court ) ; ( iii ) place before the USSR Supreme Soviet the question of forcing or of accepting the resignation of the USSR Council of Ministers , and would appoint and remove in conjunction with the Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers members of that body ( subject to confirmation by the USSR Supreme Soviet ) ; ( iv ) sign USSR laws , being entitled within a period of no more than two weeks to refer a law and objections to it back to the USSR Supreme Soviet for further discussion and voting ( should the USSR Supreme Soviet confirm its earlier decision by a two-thirds majority in both its chambers the President would be obliged to sign the law ) ; ( v ) enjoy the right to suspend the operation of USSR Council of Ministers resolutions and instructions ; and ( vi ) propose to the Congress of People 's Deputies the dissolution and re-election of the USSR Supreme Soviet in the event of an irreconcilable dispute over legislation arising between that body 's two chambers .
10 The comments most worthy of note on the subject of undertakings came from the Conference of Presidents Secretaries of Local Law Societies who suggested the following measures : —
11 At a meeting of CIS Ministers of Culture in Minsk on 27 December 1991 , possible claims between the former republics were laid out .
12 Nonetheless , on 14 February , at the Minsk meeting of CIS heads of government , the presidents signed the now infamous Agreement on the Partition of Culture .
13 Georgian observers attended the meeting of CIS heads of state held in Minsk on Feb. 14 [ see p. 38771 ] , but the republic would make no decision about joining the Commonwealth until after the election of a new parliament .
14 The Notification of Births Acts of 1907 and 1915 were further steps towards quantifying and analysing the causes of , and ultimately further diminishing , infant mortality .
15 It 's the obligation of the company to register with the Registrar of Companies particulars of all mortgages and charges ( including debentures ) and the duty of every mortgagee to ensure compliance with that obligation .
16 Effective supervision of securities firms of their employees and agents is a foundation of the federal regulatory scheme of investor protection .
17 It cited as evidence of irregularities reports of intimidation , the fact that official results showed that around 1,500,000 people had voted outside their places of residence , and that the electoral authorities had declared more than 3,000,000 votes ( some 12 per cent of the total cast ) as invalid .
18 I would have this country , con congress , to support this motion for the health and welfare of women members of the G B M B trade union , I move .
19 The short mid-green foliage of nasturtiums sets of these scarlet roses
20 This trophy , whose origin is unknown but is thought to be contemporary with the arrow , was presented by the Society of Gentlemen Archers of Darlington in 1830 .
21 ‘ The benefits of such a development would be a renewal of public confidence and a reawakening of the morale of police officers of all ranks . ’
22 The effect on the clarity of criteria descriptions of aggregating scores is also discussed .
23 The clerk of the court refused to supply him with the names of the lay justices who had decided it , pursuant to a policy which was being adopted by an increasing number of magistrates courts of declining to identify justices to the public or the press .
24 Presidential support scores are compiled by calculating the number of times members of Congress vote in a way preferred by the president , even though he may not have proposed the measure in question .
25 Other initiatives have sprung up , such as ‘ The Society of Women and Men in Travel ’ at a time when the number of women directors of PLC companies has actually decreased .
26 there have been a number of women heads of galleries .
27 Cuts in the amount of money spent on direct services to patients as opposed to buildings mean that in wards where few staff members care for a large number of patients standards of care fall well below tolerable levels .
28 They are keenest on clothes imprinted with the logos of sports teams of American colleges which have a high academic reputation .
29 Indeed , such an academic structure might provide a good opportunity for the exercise suggested by Graff , in which students ( many of whom would probably be women ) would consider a feminist anthology of women poets of the past , and discuss how far they are admissible into the existing poetic canon , and what theoretical criteria might govern such admission .
30 He is reluctant to use the bank 's funds to subsidise the balance of payments deficits of eastern Europe , nor to restructure industrial sectors not yet ready for privatisation , in energy safety and military conversion .
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