Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun sg] life [prep] " in BNC.

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1 " The fabric of family life of millions of our people has been shattered , … our economy lies in ruins and our people are embroiled in political strife . "
2 Millicent Fawcett vehemently objected to family allowances becoming a feminist plank and clung to the typically nineteenth-century belief that allowances ‘ would destroy the fabric of family life by wiping out the responsibility of parents for the maintenance of their children ’ .
3 These were to find out the views of parents and staff about all aspects of nursery life at the outset and from this to prioritise agreed areas for development to form an action plan .
4 In addition to views on special needs , pupils ' understandings of many aspects of school life from rules and regulations to teachers ' personalities have been documented and analysed .
5 Men have kept women out of sport except as helpers for those aspects of club life like dances and teas which were not segregated .
6 It would take a teacher a great deal of time to prepare such graphs manually but more importantly the software allows pupils to manipulate it to discover aspects of pond life for themselves .
7 Here I shall try to describe certain aspects of family life for three main groups of women — Punjabi and Pathan Muslims from Pakistan , Sikhs from India and Gujerati Hindus from East Africa .
8 Despite the fact that he had come from a long line of soldier forebears , even the combination of breeding , upbringing and training no longer made it easy for him to bear the tedium of army life with good grace .
9 No counsellor can assume that ‘ good ’ relationships either are or have been the norm within the family , and idealistic pictures of family life as a reciprocally loving , mutually committed and concerned relationship should be abandoned .
10 During the first months of war life in Fontanellato was uneventful and the fighting seemed far away .
11 We had a weekly circulation of 8,000 and were very much part of community life in the small , easy-going market town .
12 These were just as much a part of family life as the healthy , celebrating adults and children earlier in the procession .
13 Public pressure was against them , and they often fought a bitter battle to maintain the kind of home life in which they believed .
14 The richness and variety of plant life in Teesdale is well known , particularly in the lower-lying areas where some plants common in the south have their northernmost limit .
15 The diary provides a detailed description of farming life in the middle of the century : the price of commodities , state of the harvest , debts and loans , yearly accounts of his estate , the weather , manorial transfers , and farming methods .
16 Whilst at one time the personal characteristics of children , and the circumstances in which they were received into care , set them apart from other children not admitted into care , the norms of family life for children inside and outside of public care could no longer be regarded as so different from each other .
17 He fills a room with words and , unlike some NME contributors of yore , he can still recall the minutiae of office life in the latest '70s at the world 's greatest rock paper .
18 Their rough-fighting , territorial edginess , for example , is better understood as a continuation of earlier forms of gang life in working-class neighbourhoods — rather than a sudden departure from tradition .
19 Thus together we became one of the lowest forms of animal life in the Royal Air Force , the most junior — a very thin single ring — but , nevertheless , Leonard Cheshire had a stamp of his very own .
20 This had been assisted by the existence in abundance of certain forms of animal life in the foundations : ants , cockroaches and flies had done their bit , but the mice and rats had had their flesh encounters too .
21 Despite there being many different forms of family life in Britain today , the great majority of children spend their early years with their two natural parents .
22 These old Lincolnshire farmhouses , especially the derelict ones , tell a fascinating story of farming life in more ancient times .
23 It is hoped that by examining the experience of family life of these couples a greater understanding may be achieved of how donor parentage affects the marital relationship , parent/child relationship , and relationships within the wider family .
24 With this proviso , the framework represented , in 1990 as in 1987 , the main areas of school life in which PNP coordinators were deployed .
25 Employment apart , there are very many other areas of adult life in which teenagers will need increasingly sophisticated competence in speaking and listening .
26 It helps if you can bring yourself to take a very positive line of thinking about each problem as it comes along , being as practical and objective as possible , for sometimes the limitations of home life with an old and possibly infirm parent may seem to close round you like a prison .
27 But his experiences of street life in Hackney and his boxing ventures in Bethnal Green taught him that blackness presented him with a unique set of problems .
28 Do n't look here for anything rousingly political — instead we are offered the everyday concerns of township life from ‘ shared beer ’ to a sister 's wedding , marital arguments to ‘ the importance of proper education ’ .
29 Discover DEAN — the story of a Forest and its people in the MUSEUM OF FOREST LIFE with reconstructed forester 's cottage and smallholding , Lightmoor beam engine , recreated coal-mine , 12' overshot waterwheel , wood ant 's nest , 15' frame observational beehive and much more .
30 The insects are only an annoyance on the rare days when there is n't a breeze blowing , and are more than compensated for by the wealth of bird life in the area And it is not only birds .
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