Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun sg] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Oxford Polytechnic 's interpretation of modular structure is analogous to a federal state , with a great deal of diversity at the subject-based periphery , and a great deal of uniformity at the administration-based centre .
2 Today 's highly competitive business world requires a great deal of capital at the lowest possible cost .
3 He added : ‘ I 'm bowling without a great deal of luck at the moment but I feel good about my game . ’
4 ‘ The new pattern introductions for Autumn 1993 created a great deal of excitement at the show , especially Hopscotch , Aquabatic , and Hyde Park in the new fine china collection , ’ said Tom .
5 Agreeing to the move , Lord Justice Glidewell said he was ‘ very conscious that there is a great deal of mistrust at the moment ’ .
6 Irene is in a great deal of pain at the moment her bad back is giving her trouble and she finds it difficult to walk .
7 He was slow to sign up two aged persons as being of unsound mind , and only did so after they had given a good deal of trouble at the workhouse .
8 Oxford Polytechnic 's interpretation of modular structure is analogous to a federal state , with a great deal of diversity at the subject-based periphery , and a great deal of uniformity at the administration-based centre .
9 ‘ Perhaps the prospect of centuries of boredom at the end of history will serve to get history started again ’ , speculates Francis Fukuyama , the US State Department official who started the latest fashion for this idea .
10 These changes in perception of distension at the lower end of the gut seem to be mirrored in the stomach .
11 Batkin et al. ( 1970 ) show that for rats there are problems of perception of sound at a later stage if temporary deprivation occurs at birth .
12 Many observers have noted how administration in new states consumed the bulk of revenue at the expense of investment and development ( Dumont 1966 ; First 1970 ; Bretton 1973 ; Amin 1973 ) .
13 If my memory serves me correctly , the very first public outing of the very first public train resulted in a fatality , and one at a mere 12 mph , though doubtless this seemed like the speed of light at the time .
14 Robert Capa was president of Magnum at the time , and active in its head office .
15 He has already had two sessions of surgery at the Royal .
16 If A Song to David , in which he attempted a new and regular form of the ode , was written on an upswing of creativity at the beginning of a psychotic episode , and the psalms translation made during convalescence afterwards , Jubilate Agno is particularly important because its internal dates strongly suggest it was composed during his confinement , and from day to day of his illness , during the period 27 July to 30 January 1763 , just before his release .
17 Gide 's narrative of a development from the desire for self-redemption in the space of the other , through the loss of self at the ecstatic height of this existential quest , to the unresolved sense of desire itself as a kind of loss , is amenable to a similar analysis ; in Gide 's case image and fantasy do indeed figure transgressively on the borders of history and the unconscious .
18 ‘ Despite the environmental carnage around the wreck , the sullying of the Shetland name and the ensuing loss of livelihood at the heart of our fragile economy the Government has done very little to protect us from another spill , ’ she said .
19 The loss of oestrogen at the onset of menopause may also be greater in smokers than nonsmokers .
20 They realized that the loss of power at the imperial centre would allow them to strengthen their position by negotiating with the imperial vassals .
21 When she arched finally , feeling him convulse with a groan between joy and pain , she was swept by waves of pride at the gift that had been given and received , her fingers pulling at the thick dark hair , pushing possessively over the muscles of his back , sliding down the sweat-soaked hollows of his spine to the tight muscles slackening in the aftermath of love .
22 Without caring what he thought , she threaded her fingers tenderly through the thick , short waves of hair at the back of his head , probing gently with her fingertips for the already swelling lump .
23 Now imagine a source of light at a constant distance from us , such as a star , emitting waves of light at a constant frequency .
24 Domestic rate relief was introduced in 1967 as a result of concern at the regressive nature of the rates and the burden they were thought to impose on ratepayers .
25 Therefore , it proposes that as a result of computerisation at the Inland Revenue a local authority register will be established so that authorities are aware of the pensioners , those with disabilities and those on low incomes .
26 It is the result of examination at the surface or literal level — attention to the immediately observed features without any depth of cognitive treatment — resulting in an understanding of the general nature of the material .
27 Thus , the final decision on segmentation and labelling is made as a result of recognition at a higher level .
28 I refer especially to the case of a constituent , a boy who can not walk , talk , feed himself or do anything for himself , and will never be any different , as a result of meningitis at the age of three .
29 Paint is represented by red , blue , green and other squares of colour at the side of the screen .
30 No more than one biscuit or two squares of chocolate at the end of lunch .
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