Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun sg] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Although the risks of coelocentesis in continuing pregnancies remain to be assessed , the procedure may be safer than early amniocentesis , which involves the removal of a large proportion of amniotic fluid with a potential adverse effect on fetal pulmonary development .
2 Consequently , as Needham has pointed out , in so far as Chinese natural philosophy ‘ was committed to thinking of time in separate compartments or boxes , perhaps it was more difficult for a Galileo to arise who should uniformise time into an abstract geometrical co-ordinate , a continuous dimension amenable to mathematical handling ’ .
3 Separate software modules are required to handle direct and sequential retrieval , using a great deal of space in main storage ;
4 Turning a blind eye could cost you a great deal of money in lost orders and lost production , and it certainly wo n't help them or their colleagues who have to work with them .
5 Complaining in print about one restaurant 's service charge policy — giving both the restaurant and proprietor 's name — could cost that establishment a great deal of money in bad publicity .
6 There could have been no better man for the job and Graveney , whose equable temperament has survived a good deal of adversity in recent years , managed to keep everyone content during some trying early days .
7 ‘ We have a great deal of experience in managing events of this stature . ’
8 That stew of Celt and Teuton , Magyar , Slav , Latin and Scandinavian which comprises contemporary Europe has a good deal of experience in common , not just of wars , but in terms of underlying social and intellectual structures .
9 But we had a great deal of literature in common , and a love of landscape ; we thought ( Dickens excepted ) the same things funny ; and we had some similar slants of vision .
10 There has been a great deal of change in European Securities Exchanges , much of it on the lines of London 's Big Bang ( abolition of fixed commissions in Paris , for example ) , and much of it with a view to maintaining or gaining business .
11 A great deal of history in recent Lakeland books is total rubbish .
12 In drawing attention to many such embarrassments , Davie 's book is sure to provoke a good deal of rancour in certain circles .
13 A second view that a scientific theory is a complex structure of some kind is one that has received a great deal of attention in recent years .
14 However , since much published work combines various approaches , there will be a good deal of overlap between different parts of the discussion and it will be necessary throughout to refer to various theoretical and methodological issues which have received a good deal of attention in recent years .
15 He spent a great deal of time in similar situations , seeking gold or demons or distressed virgins and relieving them respectively of their owners , their lives and at least one cause of their distress .
16 At Warwick University ( England ) , doctors Steve Van Toller and George Dodd have been carrying out a great deal of research in recent years into the relationship between smell and emotion .
17 I have in recent years got into a deal of trouble in certain Commonwealth countries by claiming that any all-Canadian or Australian squadron was not as good as a mixed squadron .
18 They had three centuries of expertise in oral disinformation on which to draw in these situations .
19 However , what is more important than the actual levels experienced were the levels of expectations and the perception of stability in macroeconomic management .
20 By 1985 , the UK was the largest exporter of NOx in northwestern Europe and the biggest contributor to NOx pollution at sites in Iceland , Ireland , Norway , Sweden , Belgium , the Netherlands and Denmark .
21 These systems may have to be restricted to passive use based on the extraction of information in well-defined forms .
22 The remainder of the book is concerned with the application of a variety of chemical and physical methods of value in structural investigations of sulphur compounds .
23 An order was made under section 4(2) of the Contempt of Court Act 1981 postponing publication or report of certain details of the proceedings until after the conclusion of all 24 numbered indictments in a schedule , when it would be announced in open court by Judge McMullan that the order had expired ; the order stated that the purpose of making it was that it was adjudged to be necessary to avoid a substantive risk of prejudice to the administration of justice in other pending proceedings .
24 The only exception is where it appears to a court that the reporting of the proceedings before it might prejudice the administration of justice in other proceedings imminently pending in another court , or shortly to follow thereafter .
25 Career opportunities include teaching in schools , lecturing or administration in further and higher education , administration of recreation in local authorities , the management of recreation in sports centres , youth and community work and research .
26 To the contrary , there is a growing , glum chance that events will pass him and the European Community by , for the speed of change in Eastern Europe — an East German head of state deposed on Wednesday , a Czechoslovak Prime Minister gone yesterday — has a bewildering momentum that quite outdistances the ability of any Council of Ministers to react .
27 It accelerates pencil-sized beams of electrons and their anti-matter equivalent , positrons , to near the speed of light in opposite directions around a 17-mile circular tunnel , roughly the length of London Underground 's Circle line .
28 In Chapter 10 we discuss the prediction of the existence of gravitational waves , which are transverse and travel at the speed of light in empty space .
29 For example , on the basis of an approach concerned with the adequacy of communication in different situations , all children and many adults might be assessed as having language difficulties .
30 Imperial expansion was driven forward not only by the collapse of order in extra-European societies , but also by intensifying competition from Britain 's European rivals for ‘ a place in the sun ’ .
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