Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun sg] [conj] become " in BNC.

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1 Mr Paul might be making a great deal of money and becoming famous , and she 'd heard they had asked him to accept an honorary doctorate , whatever good that might do .
2 Boomer was a handsome man with a great deal of charm and became the favourite professional of the rich who visited Paris , playing with such luminaries as Sir Philip Sassoon , who rewarded Boomer by having suits made up for him from Savile Row .
3 He was taken to the hospital by police , where he was given a great deal of medicine and became unconscious .
4 George Hurst , the son of a curate , was born in 1800 and was apprenticed to a silk mercer at the age of 13 , at the end of which time he applied himself to an energetic programme of self-improvement and became a schoolteacher .
5 This impulse is figured partly in geographical terms ( as Jerome Klinkowitz has noted , ‘ Out moves from the clutter and hassle of the East to the pure space of an empty California beach ’ ( Klinkowitz 1980 : 137 ) ) and partly by shifting the names of the characters and the nature of their situations , so that travelling ceases to be a realistic indication of movement and becomes instead a metaphor for textual purpose .
6 It must not be followed rigidly but should be modified in the light of information that becomes available as the test progresses .
7 Even when this has been done and the test is in progress , there should be sufficient flexibility to modify the test plan ( e.g. , by changing examination schedules ) in the light of information that becomes available as the test progresses .
8 They become more and more frequent until they lose all meaning as acts of atonement and become simply acts of smoking .
9 The simple answer is that , yes , the Maastricht Treaty will still probably be ratified by both Houses of Parliament and become law in late summer or early autumn .
10 This contrasts the earlier description of shape as becoming more defined with the onset of Aids .
11 New forms of group politics may emerge , depending on the types of democracy or other forms of government that become established .
12 The Act which he had just steered through Parliament faced Emanuel with difficult choices : should it remain fully independent and operate outside the State system , or should it be incorporated within the local provision of schooling and become a voluntary-aided school ?
13 The number of prisoners a section has accumulated during a shift is used as a measure of performance and becomes one of the bases of competition between the sections .
14 The brutality and unprovoked nature of the attacks , together with the fact that the victims were white and middle class — the jogger was a vice president of a leading securities firm — whilst the assailants were black or Hispanic , meant that the case received a massive degree of publicity and became symbolic of US racial tension and urban violence .
15 Behind them she could work with a charm and singleness of attention that became so smooth as to be chilling , except for the friendliness of her large grey eyes .
16 Behind them she could work with a charm and a singleness of attention that became so smooth as to be chilling , except for the friendliness of her large grey eyes ’ .
17 In 1964 they revised their articles of association and became registered but the main aim remains that of representing the interests of women artists .
18 But because the virus is ‘ really ’ vaccinia , the infected animal will suffer none of the ill-effects of rabies while becoming proof against infection by any ‘ real ’ rabies virus .
19 Some will remain lone parents , some may have one or more cohabitees over a period of years ; many will remarry after a period of cohabitation and become a step-family .
20 The galaxies then develop smaller whirlpools — hot balls of gas that become stars … ’
21 THE surprise election victory of Australia 's Labor prime minister , Paul Keating , at the weekend has cleared the way for Australia to remove Queen Elizabeth as head of state and become a republic , observers said yesterday .
22 He proposed independent solutions to the current problems of generation and becoming , individuation , universals , the nature of the soul , and immaterial intelligences , which were influenced but not dominated by Grosseteste 's ideas .
23 Having learnt the ‘ language ’ , you can take full advantage of the many facilities available , your ultimate aim being to gain a sound knowledge of the principles of husbandry and become expert in the many practical skills .
24 While car makers demand lower prices , they want suppliers to take over a bigger share of production and become more involved in the design and development of parts .
25 However , what such an analysis fails to take into account is that the evidence of wrong-doing that became so public in the United States would almost certainly have never surfaced in the United Kingdom , given the laws of libel and the willingness of the British people to tolerate secrecy in government .
26 Children born of these unions were often gifted in the art of healing and became famed physicians .
27 He read widely in all spheres of learning and became inspired with the idea that he had a mission to introduce the learning of western Europe to his countrymen in Serbia .
28 He is out on his own in terms of skill and becoming better for his experience in French football with Strasbourg .
29 In both areas , a candidate may be accepted but their bureau manager may be asked to pay particular attention to some area of weakness that became apparent in the interview .
30 Well as I 've s as I 've said earlier , erm what we 're basically saying is that because these erm sites do not perform a greenbelt function and er they then fall into a white land situation , that that white land is a is an area of land that becomes er at the end of the plan period in two thousand and six , er they are areas which could be considered development .
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