Example sentences of "[noun] of week [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Wonderland say there simply are n't any dates available — the Chippendales could do with double the number of weeks in the year .
2 I class that as a lot of weeks for the likes of oh we 're not going to names , to occupy the borderline children
3 In addition , because of poll tax capping , local authorities have to deliver their budgets within a matter of weeks of the Government 's decision on standard spending assessments .
4 While there is no doubt that if you gain no more than 20lb you will probably return to your pre-pregnancy weight in a matter of weeks after the birth , is a weight-gain guide of 20–30lb realistic ?
5 Adjusting to the disjointed ordering of time is like trying to adjust to the idea of massing all one 's sleeping hours into the first couple of weeks of the month to have the remaining two weeks wide awake .
6 She 's going away in a couple of weeks with the Brownies
7 I would be flying over and staying with Angie for a couple of weeks at The Sherry Netherland , and Angie and I would go with Zowie in the daytime and then we 'd stay up all night with David because he functioned at night .
8 Their relatives were overjoyed that they could see them on stage when they returned to their home town in the summer for a couple of weeks at the prestigious new Palace of Varieties .
9 All his favourite soloists appeared , many fronting his best troupes ; Amy Knott with the Forget-me-nots , Bessie as usual with the Troubadours and Maggie Rimmer and the new Rainbow troupe who slipped off during the run to do a couple of weeks at the London Pavilion and the Oxford , then returned to complete the season .
10 When I first went , I thought I 'd only get them for a couple of weeks at the most .
11 I think at the onset we all thought , it 's not gon na last long you know a couple of weeks at the most .
12 These fish were left a couple of weeks for the tank and filter to mature .
13 THANK you to the great many readers who have written to me in the past couple of weeks about the Royals .
14 In this regard , they are much better value as plants than such species roses as Rosa xanthina ‘ Canary Bird ’ and Rosa moyesii , both of which only flower for a couple of weeks during the early summer .
15 Let's face it , when you work hard all year round to save money for a couple of weeks in the sunshine , you deserve to enjoy yourself .
16 When our 'plane touched down at Ibiza Airport , we were looking forward to a couple of weeks in the sun , hoping that the children would be amused and we could just relax .
17 NEXT OVER THE PARAPET was east Londoner Alan Cooke , with his entirely self-published Shades Of Grey , a rough and ready roller-coaster trip through a couple of weeks in the lives of a black detective and an out-of-control street kid with a gun .
18 As I said I 'll be talking about this in the next couple of weeks in the lectures and I hope to cover various things we did n't have time to touch on .
19 ‘ A colleague advised a couple of weeks in the sun , away from it all . ’
20 Even so — its a bit rough to judge him on performances over a couple of weeks against the same side/player .
21 A couple of weeks after the arrests , a lawyer in the Belfast office of the Treasury Solicitor was drawing up charges on the basis of the presence of the pistol when a senior police official ordered him to prepare fresh indictments charging them with murdering three specified Roman Catholics .
22 To gain the desired bronze , we often endure burnt shoulders and peeling noses , only to find that the colour fades all too quickly , often a couple of weeks after the holiday .
23 This case followed a couple of weeks after the extensive coverage given to the case where a teacher was accused of raping a 15-year-old pupil but who was eventually jailed for unlawful sexual intercourse .
24 The old Escorts went up more than 12 per cent last year , the last rise coming just a couple of weeks before the introduction of the new model .
25 There was no indication a couple of weeks before the 1985 Open that Sandy was going to do well .
26 I applied for parole , and usually you get your answer a couple of weeks before the date you could be going out .
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