Example sentences of "[noun] of some [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 She says she can remember the breath-taking speed of some of those tides !
2 The speed of some of these have been carefully measured .
3 The freeing of political parties in March 1990 led to the formation of numerous new parties and the emergence as official opposition of some of those which had been operating within the FNDR .
4 Likewise Caroline Bynum , in Holy Feast , Holy Fast , her book about medieval women religious , pours a rigorous historian 's scorn on the idea that the extreme penitential fastings of some of these women can really be diagnosed as anorexic , or as any other sort of neurosis ( as proposed for example by Rudolph Bell in Holy Anorexia ) : not merely are the case histories inadequate , but these women 's understanding of their bodies , of their relationship to Christ , of their right to participate in his sufferings , of their sense of identity , their very selves , was formed in a social environment so different from our own that nothing is to be gained by reading off their lives in this way rather than exploring in proper detail what it was they did feel and think .
5 cos I did n't fancy eating it like that and er she goes , I told her give us a piece of some of that wrapping you know
6 You will find that even when you are very new to the surgical ward , you can contribute to reducing the effect of some of these factors by simple strategies such as introducing yourself by name to new patients and offering your help while they adjust to their new situation .
7 I want this morning to consider the effect of some of those issues on our planet and particularly on our atmosphere , and I begin by considering the ozone layer .
8 A useful review of some of this work is given in Anon. ( 1982a ) and only a summary is presented here .
9 Later comes a stage of respect for justice : recognition of the importance of rules for community living , followed by an awareness of the universality of some of these rules and their embodiment in principles of individual human rights applying across varying cultures and societies .
10 Polar adaptations of some of these species are discussed in Chapter 6 .
11 ‘ We have a great deal of responsibility to shoulder because of the condition of some of these children . ’
12 The physical condition of some of these living units were dilapidated .
13 The leader of the Islington Council , Margaret Hodge , questioned the direction of some of this development and , in London Labour Briefing No.37 , said ‘ the class nature of gay politics is much more ambiguous [ than black politics and anti-racism ] … activists in gay and lesbian politics come from a group whose social , occupational , educational and cultural background bears little resemblance to the population of the Inner City . ’
14 But it is coming , and certainly some of the medium-sized shops , perhaps with a couple of two or three outlets but under the same management , where it 's not quite so easy to see when you 're running out of baked beans , are already beginning to take advantage of some of these retailing computers .
15 There can be no doubt that this course has heightened the management skills of some of those working in the voluntary sector , but an extra benefit is that it had widened the links between I B M and you , and widened the understanding between both of us .
16 A report which goes before Middlesbrough councillors on Wednesday says : ‘ Concern has been expressed over the activities of some of those employed to control access to licensed premises .
17 Then think of all the sounds that could be " suspect " with this sound , i.e. all the sounds that could vary from this sound with just a slight change of some of these features .
18 The houses of some of these people are exaggerated and ‘ trendy ’ .
19 Mr Coates appears to have carried the can for a strategy that had the enthusiasm of some of those at the top of Barclays Bank , as well as of David Band , BZW 's chief executive , and of Sir Martin , who is also a deputy chairman of the parent bank .
20 It must be said that continental discussions of some of these ideas read rather strangely , at least to the authors of this book .
21 We do not have that penalty , but we have life imprisonment — which means between 20 to 30 years in the case of some of those convicted in the most serious cases .
22 The story of some of these presses is a fascinating one to follow , as the printers surreptitiously pull off their pamphlets and broadsides in some kitchen or remote country house , load up and press on to the next location , with an eye ever over their shoulder for the pursuers .
23 The word ‘ changing ’ in the title refers mainly to the electrification of some of these lines , and Vic 's talk was largely a record of these lines as they were , with Deltics , Class 31's , 37 's and 47 's and Sprinters of Class 150 and even 156 , interspersed with slides of the overhead wire installation , and the Class 317 's and 321 's to be seen now .
24 In all our inns we have plenty of ale , beer and sundry kinds of wine and such is the capacity of some of these that they are able to lodge two hundred or three hundred persons and their horses .
25 The first room of the gallery contains the work of some of those artists favoured by Rudolf II , whose outstanding patronage gave rise to Prague 's remarkable circle of Mannerist painters , sculptors , and goldsmiths , known as the School of Prague .
26 She asked me to help her get hold of some of this new wonder drug , penicillin .
27 Others have been acquired from other sources , although the exact origins of some of these remain somewhat obscure .
28 Second , in so far as modern complex statistical studies can separate the influence of some of these factors , education is important , though not dominating .
29 The origin of some of this waste is obscure ; so are some of the British firms that handle it .
30 The lives of some of these mulieres sanctae were certainly known in England .
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