Example sentences of "[noun] of thing that we " in BNC.

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1 They would n't add up to the sorts of things that we 've got .
2 All these sorts of things are going to be the sorts of things that we 'll bring up in discussion , but you wo n't realize what the problems are until you tried doing it .
3 It was just on a minute on page seventy-nine , I think we want to get the support of local M Ps , one a has I think , has been just indicated , is contradictory , it might be better to say , ‘ although the document indicated that local authorities would be expected to undertake extra , an extra , or extra duties , the resources needed are , no indication was given of how there would be extra resources , or something like that , you see it 's contradictory at the moment , it says there 's no indication of the role , and then says that they would need resources , and actually if you look through the document , you will see from time-to-time it is indicated what local authorities are expected to do , for instance recycling of litter and the lot , and I think that that might be actually picked up by M P's and say , ‘ Well , what actually have you , do you mean to say ’ , well , what we 're really saying , are we not , that here is an indication of things that we 're expected to do , but as usual , of course , the government has n't indicated what erm where the resources were coming from .
4 Mainlan GTI now comes in a Windows flavour as well as DOS , and it 's the Windows side of things that we 'll examine — the DOS software echoes it fairly closely .
5 Erm the er most important item I think Chairman is the work programme for the future year which commences at erm about twelve and forms the second half of the report and I would be very happy to deal with any questions and it is very clearly in the light of things that we 've already said , the first part of er that latter half of the report er which er emphasises the erm principal activities er to the department er that of strategic policy in paragraphs thirteen one , thirteen two and thirteen three are therefore perhaps the areas to which I would er draw you attention er most , but the report as whole is er I hope a reasonably succinct summary of what has gone on or what is proposed to be done and er in order to avoid simply what is already in the report , I , I would leave it at that point and say I 'm happy to deal with any questions .
6 The kind of these are the kind of things that we 're using for drink .
7 you know kind of there 's all this quips about sort of semen making your hair grow and all that kind of thing erm you know so erm it 's , it 's , it 's one of these things that erm sort of erm kind of people , people s slip into on the basis of you know th er as far as I could tell there was no sort of firm evidence that these blokes were gay or heterosexual apart from judgments made on their demeanour and personal appearance erm you know but er you know it gave rise to a whole range of , you know , kind of supposedly humorous talk erm in that context erm so there 's a whole range of things erm tt you know sort of talk and mannerisms and , and er , you know , kind of also gossip and suspicions about them , oh is he married if not does he have a girlfriend , if not ooh I wonder if he 's gay , you know , kind of things that we understand about people 's relationships feed into it so
8 Chairman , can I say briefly that the merger and I 'm quite pleased that we 've finally er there is a death knell to this this awful word , it 's been bandied on for far too long , it 's been perhaps the single most controversial issue that has been debated by this authority along with some other mediocre issues and no one here would not admit er to the fact that it has been opposed on such massive scale and even today we 've had a further petition of three hundred and ninety five people opposing er this this this dreadful merger decision that was hanging over the er the the two centres and I 'm pleased that er this this er amendment , this er er erm this petition was brought forward today because it does indicate the continuing support and opposition to er the the kind of things that we should be doing and and those that we should n't .
9 Other Council 's like Harlow do have central policy units which is what we would be described as , because people recognition that it 's important that you need to have people who are outside departments looking at the organisation as a whole , what it 's doing , where it 's going , how it 's being influenced by external organisation 's , i.e. what the Health Service are doing locally , or what the Government 's doing more significantly , erm , I think you need people looking around to see how the Council 's affected and what , what were doing in and taking an overall view and responding in that way and that 's the kind of thing that we do and that 's why were here .
10 It 's also tied to the fact that were , we have less money than we used to because of the introduction of Poll Tax , it is tied to that cos we are constrained but , erm that 's the kind of thing that we get brought into to support , erm and then another area is progressing policy initiative 's in other Council departments .
11 I can not explain the meaning of " joy " by pointing to someone with glowing eyes and a smile on his face , and saying " This is an example of joy " , as I might explain the meaning of " tree " by pointing to a tree and saying " This is a tree " , or " This is an example of the kind of thing that we call a tree " .
12 But I think this is the kind of thing that we really need .
13 This is the kind of thing that we really ought to be addressing because this actually addresses the safety of people in this county , not only the safety of people , this addresses the safety of property as well and there 's no disagreement about the fact that this enormous development that 's happened over the last few years in an area where you 've got a regular traffic snarl-ups mean that you have got a potential disaster there on your hands and we 're jolly lucky we have n't any more serious incidents than we 've had already and so I can see no reason why these two mo these two amendments should n't both happily be accepted though I 'm very cynical about the number of times we 've spent the airport money already and sooner or later we 've obviously got to actually seriously address that but the important thing is that we do all take it seriously and it seems that we all do now take it seriously .
14 I mean it 's not , it 's not the same kind of thing that we 've got , it 's a different kind of relationship cos he 's a different kind of person
15 Erm er this o this one is not one single job as it happens but it is the kind of thing that we have come up against before and I 've put them the things together in one so that we do n't identify people really under the circumstances .
16 Well as example of the kind of thing that we 've just finished doing is we 've run a course for local school teachers from East and West Sussex on using electronics in schools .
17 Okay Well and you 've seen the video so you 'll be aware of the sort of things that we do here .
18 The sort of things that we cover in the er er code of practice for charging to clients which are outside this .
19 If we plan a burglary between us at least it makes us think about the , the sort of things that we need to look at our houses , to stop that burglary from
20 That really is er , a separate thing is n't it , the er , the crime ? you , you , you see the sort of things that we 're doing .
21 I think there 's one other thing that 's worth thinking about , and that is that many of our students come into the University for one-day schools , for lectures , for activities of this kind , and this gives an opportunity for a kind of reciprocal traffic , if you like , so that people outside who often have very odd ideas of what universities do and what they 're about and what they 're like , can actually see your University , participate in its activities , and we can see ordinary folk who sometimes ask the shrewdest questions and make sometimes what seem to be the most penetrating kinds of points about the sort of things that we take for granted .
22 Well I have to say straight away that I 've erm worked on a Council with the Labour Party in opposition with us , and now with the Labour Party in Government with us with us a very small group , and I have to say it 's much preferable to have the Labour Party in power than to have the Conservative Party in power as far as we 're concerned , because at local level the sort of things that we want to do — providing better services , caring of people , all those sort of things — we do n't disagree .
23 The sort of things that we 're going to cover during the two days are these areas .
24 This is just the sort of thing that we were all afraid of .
25 And that 's the sort of thing that we will be identifying as from tomorrow .
26 If we had this up and running , the sort of thing that we would do is put together a package
27 Mr Chairman , it 's just , just the sort of reason why we did n't su did n't support spending eight thousand pounds on , on some low pay unit , this is just the sort of thing that we feel that , that Committee 's money should be spent on .
28 It may not be of safety but it maybe er not the sort of thing that we want .
29 And that 's the sort of thing that we want to compare .
30 Same sort of thing that we were doing here .
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