Example sentences of "[noun] of [pron] is [conj] " in BNC.

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1 That does not mean that the law should change with every passing fancy — crimes such as theft , fraud , murder , etc. will never become fashionable — but ‘ social ’ crimes such as publishing indecent or obscene material are dependent on society 's perception of what is or is not indecent or obscene at the time , and the legislation of one period may be inappropriate in another period of time , to the extent that resorting to the courts to deal with the matter may be quite inappropriate and ineffective .
2 This is a question to be considered in the round , and nothing is gained by the introduction of shifting burdens of proof , which serves only to break down into formal steps what is in reality a single appreciation of what is or is not unfair .
3 Now the water industry is set to spend billions of pounds in improvements , the likely result of which is that our bills will go up by at least 50% over the next few years .
4 The tribunal then decides whether to issue an ‘ unlikely to succeed ’ warning to either party , the result of which is that if that party persists with the claim or a contention as part of a claim at the hearing , and loses , then costs may be awarded against that party .
5 The minuet is thought possibly to have originated as a dance movement ( one indication of which is that the violas double the bass line rather than having independent parts as was customary in Mozart 's symphonic works ) .
6 And the other side of it is that obviously you , you do n't want to be going to the D S S and asking for erm State benefits either
7 Job preferment stigmatises those who do not need help , starts a backlash from whites and reinforces the myth of racial inferiority , the most pernicious effect of which is that blacks have believed it as much as whites .
8 There are also changes to COSHH Regulation 4 and Schedule 2 , the main effect of which is that the use of benzene is prohibited except in industrial processes or for the purposes of research , development and analysis .
9 But as the reader will be aware , during the past decade or so , the courts , building on a series of decisions which quite properly and logically held ineffective a number of ingenious and entirely artificial schemes devised for the manufacture and allowance of losses or expenses which were never in fact incurred , have sought to create and apply to transactions conferring tax advantages for which the legislature has made provision a doctrine of ‘ legitimate business purpose ’ , the general effect of which is that even though the citizen follows to the letter that which Parliament has told him that he can do in order to attract the fiscal consequences which Parliament has statutorily decreed will follow if he does it , nevertheless , whatever Parliament may have said shall be the consequences , the courts will and must decline to give effect , not to what he has done , but to the fiscal consequences which Parliament has provided , unless he demonstrates that there was a ‘ legitimate business purpose ’ for his action .
10 The principle is commonly known as proprietary estoppel , and since the effect of it is that B is prevented from asserting his strict legal rights it has something in common with estoppel .
11 This is adequate if one is simply trying to calculate who is receiving certain benefits , such as old-age pensions , from official sources , but if we are seeking a realistic conception of who is and who is not a dependant or a net contributor to the economy in a broader sense such definitions are not helpful ( Grundy , 1986 , p. 13 ) .
12 The essence of it is that if expectations of a variable are rational they will be determined by the process governing that variable .
13 Superman ( Christopher Reeve ) himself was sometimes hung by wires ( the disadvantage of which is that they might have to be matted out frame by frame by hand ) or supported on a hydraulic arm that came out of the screen at 90° and which , like his shadow , was hidden by his body .
14 ‘ My assessment of myself is that I am a plain Daleswoman … ’
15 How different it was all to be , and the marvel of it is that the plans prepared in the period after 1945 proved as robust as they did for so long .
16 The Air Force will write to his mother if there 's anything to tell , and the awful part of it is that I do n't know where she lives .
17 And the maddening part of it is that it 's my own fault .
18 Part of it is that interests .
19 I mean part of it is what I think and part of it is that I think that I like it because it works , that these things — I basically am unconvinced much of the modern tradition .
20 Hence fair play , one of the rules of which is that the eventual murderer shall be one of a small group , delimited in some way .
21 The long and the short of it is that he came in to replace Andy …
22 So can you give me a use of cast iron which ha one of the effects of it is that it relies on the occasional lubricating properties of the graphite in the iron ?
23 The pity of it is that this happens to be as beautiful a cat as the Sphynx is ugly .
24 The only pity of it is that they 're running out of Forster novels to film .
25 ‘ The pity of it is that Araminta will get the Lodge after all .
26 The pity of it is that the Prime Minister , who said that he wanted to be at the heart of the process , has instead condemned this country to be semi-detached from it .
27 The basic thrust of it is that it should be looked at only exceptionally : Lloyd .
28 The section resolves the point , although the question of what is or is not immediate is , of course , still a matter of degree .
29 The basis of it is that the landlord , by letting the premises , confers on the tenant the right of possession during the term and impliedly promises not to interfere with the tenant 's exercise and use of the right of possession during the term .
30 Yeah well it 's no well that sort of it is that pho that sort of phone call really have waited .
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