Example sentences of "[noun] of [pron] [conj] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 But the relevant sense of constraint , and the aspects of society that are constrained in the two cases , are vastly different ; and if the longue durée is to be more than a ragbag of everything that endures these disparities would have to be elucidated .
2 Terry B says he did n't think he was hitting the bottle but there 's one side of you that takes over and he started to slide down hill … he became and realised it was time to get real with himself and he has n't had a drink since march
3 all the consultation that also talks about in this paper is met with the two centres , the management committee of Highfields youth and commune centre and also the users of the Moat Centre and I think in light of everything that 's gone on I think it 's substantially a success to stand here and say that we have at least achieved some result and I I formally would welcome the Libs supporting this this afternoon and I 'm grateful for the turn that the Libs have made and in light of er what er Mr the involvement Mr has put in .
4 Diamond considers different sectors of HE and reports that children who do not gain the formal qualifications for HE are around ten times more likely to enter HE if both their parents had left school after age 17 than if both parents had left school by the age of 15 .
5 But so is that part of me that feels alien in this country , lonely behind my wall of defences , inarticulate in my deepest pain .
6 There is a small part of me that feels that , on behalf of my right hon. and hon. Friends , I should welcome what the Leader of the House has said .
7 I 've always been a worker yet there is a part of me that feels I could end up like that , too .
8 There 's a part of me that says ‘ Its OK to eat ’ , but another part tugs me back and stops me eating .
9 On the other hand there 's a part of me that rejoices , that is glad he paid the way he did , that for once the world worked the way it 's supposed to , punishing the wrongdoer … and that saddens and sickens me too , because I think that this must be the way Andy feels all the time .
10 What I want to do is be part of something that does . ’
11 I accept it as part of something that has to happen .
12 ( b ) having entered any building or part of a building as a trespasser he steals or attempts to steal anything in the building or that part of it or inflicts or attempts to inflict on any person therein any grievous bodily harm .
13 If there 's any part of you that hesitates — ‘
14 ‘ Then you 're afraid of yourself — afraid you wo n't be able to keep up the fight against the part of you that dares to be human . ’
15 I would much rather say that every time you make a choice you are turning the central part of you , the part of you that chooses , into something a little different from what it was before .
16 As I will show later , the child may play off that side of you that is exhausted and wishes to take the ‘ line of least resistance ’ , against that part of you that wishes to make a stand on an important matter of principle .
17 They were able to communicate with the part of us that longs to grow and expand into the world .
18 A constructivist would deny the existence of anything that corresponds to this conception of a phenomenal screen .
19 Well , I must admit there 's a bit of me that thrives slightly on the exam syndrome — something that gets the adrenalin flowing rather like ‘ first nights ’ .
20 He asks , ‘ The bit of you that does n't believe me … why ? ’
21 Appraisal is seen to be principally the activity of applied linguistics ( or that branch of it that concerns itself with language teaching ) and application ( as defined here ) the principal activity of language teaching .
22 It is right that our procedures should be subject to challenge and change , but her idea of turning a Government Advisory Unit into some kind of Oxford tutorial is an absurd perversion of everything that has been so slowly and painstakingly developed over the years .
23 Er , thank you , Mr Chairman , to me erm , this went on from the first paper that chose the effects of the food and management of the er , the fire local services , whereas carried through and it will be interesting to see next year er what the situation is , in order to the position of the as it were , this year , benefit of everything that has previous administration .
24 The man takes a plastic tub of something and sticks his hands in it .
25 If you do something at speed , it 's really the accumulation of everything that 's gone before that has got you to that point .
26 Though sudden , this moment is an accumulation of everything that has happened in the course of our travels .
27 Well that Actually that 's on my disk cos we did have two the the disk partitioned and it 's my half of it that 's got a meg and a half left .
28 ‘ Every body placed in the luminous air spreads out in circles and fills the surrounding space with infinite likenesses of itself and appears all in all and all in every part . ’
29 It has been exploited to a degree by all human beings to hurt and control each other , and has affected the lives of everyone that has ever lived .
30 Erm , on the emergency call out I getting surprised that this council insist that it 's lit if we do n't need it er at all service , I 'm sure , I 'm quite certain that we have never been told that there 's always been a question of anything that goes to actually give us a better call out service .
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