Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun] [conj] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 The latest award is in the Borough of Sunderland and starts in February .
2 How Christianity starts off as the religion of peace but ends up violent like other religions .
3 Continuity in subcontracting allows parent companies to diversify the risks of specialization and promotes the exchange of technological information so that the quality of inputs is ensured and delivery schedules guaranteed .
4 Continuity in subcontracting allows parent companies to diversify the risks of specialization and promotes the exchange of technological information so that the quality of inputs is ensured and delivery schedules guaranteed .
5 There are other important questions , such as the general characteristics of behaviour that tends to get identified as child abuse and the social conditions that tend to make such behaviour more or less likely .
6 The Bibliographic Index is a good source for all sorts of bibliographies and includes many contained in books themselves .
7 I use them to store all sorts of bibs and bobs in .
8 He tried all sorts of subjects and approaches to photography and different camera formats and techniques as part of the course but doggedly stuck to his 35mm camera because of the portability , cheapness and speed of action .
9 He tried all sorts of subjects and approaches to photography and different camera formats and techniques as part of the course but doggedly stuck to his 35mm camera because of its portability , cheapness and speed of action .
10 In the Usnea-Andreaea association of lichens and mosses the two named genera are usually represented , together with other species of lichens and algae .
11 In the example of Rubik 's cube , we have looked at a substantial problem that leads naturally to a great deal of mathematics and uses many techniques of problem solving .
12 Although the specific physiological mechanism which they proposed to explain the effect , based on Livingston 's ( 1967a , 1967b ) ‘ Now Print ! ’ theory has attracted little support , the basic demonstration of a surprising ability to report such memories even after considerable delays attracted a great deal of interest and has now been found in a large number of studies ( e.g. Bohannon , 1988 ; Christianson , 1989 ; Colegrove , 1899 ; McCloskey , Wible & Cohen , 1988 ; Pillemer , 1984 ; Winograd & Killinger , 1983 ; Yarmey & Bull , 1978 ) .
13 ‘ That is one of the exceptions , made by one of the few directors in this country who has huge energy , a great deal of talent and knows how to address an audience .
14 Well , if you 're a Frenchman or a German , a Swede , an Italian , anyone in the Balkans , your culture has been created over centuries of invasions or struggles to resist invasion , it 's as simple as that .
15 In the second case ( necessary false consciousness/irrational prejudice ) racism is seen as dysfunctional because it distorts the perception of reality and generates division amongst those who should be on the same side .
16 It was introduced at a special one-day sitting of parliament and relies on a number of commonwealth powers , including its right to make special laws for any race of people .
17 And when irons he he boils up boils a saucepan of water and puts the saucepan over it !
18 The drug , commonly known as E , produces a massive boost of energy and gives the taker a sense of well being and contentment .
19 Only the UK is unique — it is the leading producer of and exporter of spirits but discriminates against spirits and in favour of imported wine .
20 The break with this structure of belonging can be announced only through a certain organisation , a certain strategic arrangement which , within the field of metaphysical opposition , uses the strengths of the field to turn its own stratagems against it , producing a force of dislocation that spreads itself throughout the entire system , fissuring it in every direction and thoroughly delimiting it .
21 The German explanation that the risky Scandinavian operation had been made necessary by the planned British landing and breach of neutrality had , therefore , the ring of plausibility and seems to have been largely accepted by the German population .
22 This chapter places project appraisal in context , discusses methods of appraisal and describes best practice .
23 On the other hand to disassociate the Church from the Kingdom breaks the nerve-cord of hope and destroys the community of commitment to Christ as Saviour and Lord .
24 It is not the consciousness of men that determines their being but on the contrary ; their social being that determines their consciousness .
25 It is not the consciousness of men that determines their being , but , on the contrary , their social being that determines their consciousness .
26 The 4-cylinder 16V DOHC 2259cc engine , mated to a four speed automatic gearbox , can push the 623GSi to a top speed of 134mph and takes 9.5 seconds to reach 60mph .
27 This can be reckoned to contain the succession of anecdotes that occurs and the fine detail of working-class life that is provided .
28 He came into his own here , so to speak , in the second half in directing a succession of polkas and waltzes by Johann the younger .
29 This account gives rise to two questions , both of them large and difficult : first , how do ideological state apparatuses ( ISAs ) constitute individuals ; and second , how can Althusser justify his claim that his theory escapes the tentacles of ideology and tells us how the world really is ?
30 5.204 makes provision for the sufficiency of evidence as regards byelaws .
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