Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun] [adj] the " in BNC.

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31 In the general election of March 1990 the ALP was narrowly returned for a fourth successive term [ see pp. 37320-21 ; for final Senate results see p. 37876 ] .
32 In the general election of April 1991 the HRPP was returned to office with 26 seats , while the opposition SNDP won 18 [ see pp. 38153-54 ] .
33 In the Irish general election of February 1987 the average number of candidates in the fifteen five-member constituencies was 14.3 .
34 In the general election of February 1985 the Human Rights Protection Party ( HRPP ) won 31 seats in the Fono but 12 of its MPs subsequently defected and , in January 1986 , entered into a coalition government with the rival Christian Democratic Party .
35 A year before their landslide victory in the election of June 1987 the Conservatives lagged behind Labour in the opinion polls .
36 In the general election of June 1984 the People 's Action Movement ( PAM ) won six of the 11 elected seats in the National Assembly ; it was returned to power in March 1989 .
37 kind of carpets all the time , just an odd contract stuff , now it 's nearly all contract , so you 're seeing a lot of different carpets and it 's more interesting wondering where they 're going to , like America and
38 The community interpreter has to be able to juggle this kind of information all the time .
39 This is the kind of application that the new portable version of ACT ! has fulfilled .
40 Apparently Reader 's Digest do this kind of thing all the time , though nobody that anybody has ever known or met has won a brass halfpenny .
41 Edward still prevaricated , but at the Parliament of March 1299 the magnates extorted further concessions by the threat of armed force .
42 At this point it is really interesting to note the variety of activities that the members of my class regard as ‘ useful ’ .
43 starting a little brown smoulder mark it were like that all the through the electric blanket of course all the through the the sheets all through the sheets and blankets and it had just coming through the top counterpane we used have a
44 On the afternoon of November 21st the townspeople flocked to the hill site of Tiutiunnyk 's battle .
45 The house was suitable for a prolific father who wore two pairs of combinations next the skin .
46 Julian urges us , ‘ ’ Every morning put your mind into your heart and stand in the presence of God all the day long . ’
47 Traditionally , South-east Asian countries had been reluctant to criticize the military regime in Myanma , adopting instead a policy of " constructive engagement " , and in an interview in the Financial Times of March 17 the Prime Minister of Singapore , Goh Chok Tong , ruled out any unified initiative by the Association of South-East Asian Nations ( ASEAN ) .
48 In addition , as reported in the Financial Times of March 1 the government had a further $850,000,000 made available from the IMF , the World Bank and the Japanese Export-Import Bank to fund more reductions in debt or the debt-service burden .
49 According to the New York Times of Dec. 29 the KIO , which had managed an investment portfolio of $100,000 million from London , had seen " nearly 80 per cent of its huge Fund for Future Generations … used up to pay for bad investments and Gulf War expenses " .
50 According to a report in the Financial Times of Jan. 16 the decline in the manufacturing sector for the first six months of the financial year was 1.9 per cent , while production in mining and quarrying fell 2.6 per cent .
51 In the early hours of Dec. 28 the Prime Minister , Sid-Ahmed Ghozali , quoted in Le Monde of Dec. 28 , described as " positive " the " total transparency of the voting " .
52 In the early hours of Nov. 23 the budget was passed by 186 votes to 10 , with seven abstentions , all opposition deputies having declined to take part .
53 According to a report in the Guardian of June 20 the attack was probably carried out in retaliation for the killing by security forces on June 18 of Mohammed Abdullah Bangroo , field commander of the Hizbul-Mujahidin , one of the largest guerrilla groups operating in Kashmir .
54 I mean , do to have this astonishing capacity of switch all the time .
55 In the Northamptonshire village of Cogenhoe half the villagers recorded in 1618 were not there ten years later , and in the Suffolk parish of Horringer only two of the sixty-three family names recorded between 1600 and 1624 were still found in the parish register between 1700 and 1724 .
56 Since the publication of Cmnd. 7131 the discount rates to be used by nationalized industries have not been specified centrally .
57 According to the Middle East Economic Digest of July 21 the actual deficit was unlikely to be as high as this as the Ministry of Finance consistently overestimated its budget deficits .
58 According to the Middle East Economic Digest of Jan. 24 the government had revived a commission on economic Islamicization to seek a compromise between the banks and the sharia ( Islamic law ) courts .
59 That does n't mean we have to go around in a great lather of gratitude all the time .
60 In nineteen thirty there was something like there was only about er ninety , hundred spitfires in the Battle of Britain all the rest were fucking Hurricane 's and stuff
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