Example sentences of "[noun] he come [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I know the words he came out with were those of other people , the writers , but they were written with him in mind .
2 WHEN Alan Fennah opened his mail he came out with the classic One Foot In The Grave line : ‘ I do not believe it ! ’
3 After the second of these excursions he came back to Marian 's side with : ‘ Is it not time that we took a look into this sack ? ’
4 The noises he came out with were amazing , laughing and cooing and gurgling , but he shut his mouth ‘ absolutely ’ against porridge .
5 In those days he came in with a His coachman brought him in the trap and they got the twenty minutes past seven express train to Glasgow .
6 Then when he joined the Frank Zappa group he came down with almost every member of the band , and George Duke was at the keyboard … ’
7 How could we use this what are the benefits of doing this or the disadvantages of doing this so that you 've got people within the group who could as a plant and know what to do with those ideas he comes up with them or she comes up with them do n't know what to do with them just comes up it 's up to the rest of the group and monitor evaluate you know the person that 's always putting things that never work .
8 Using a computer-aided image analysis technique ( Fourier analysis ) the picture he comes up with is of a membrane composed of individual subunits arranged in a hexagonal lattice .
9 To his great credit he comes up with no easy answers , but nor does he give in to glib despair .
10 One day he came up behind me and pushed me into a metal locker .
11 Each day he came twice to the banker 's house and sat in the sickroom , warm and better furnished now , and kept his lover company ; sometimes talking , sometimes in silence .
12 Molly remembered the day he came home from the war .
13 This particular day he comes round to me , he says , Take this lamp , he said , Bugger off down there , he says , and thou can the coal I 'm coming .
14 I mean he went to school , he went to oh school , but he lived at Enfield and erm , you 'd have never thought then that he had got it in him and , so dry I said to dad I said he never ought to be a bus driver , cos the things he comes out with , he 'd have to be a comedian , I mean he 's , I mean as er , what , they used to call the comedians did n't they , three or four of them on the telly , and I mean
15 He 's being ironic ; in the Navy he came up against arbitrary discipline , the officer class and the English .
16 Out he went once more , and back he came again with soap , towel and scrubbing brush .
17 When George had finished on the phone he came in to her , beaming .
18 And in the pursuit he came up to King Yucef , and smote him three times : but the King escaped from under the sword , for the horse of the Cid passed on in his course , and when he turned , the King being on a fleet horse , was far off , so that he might not be overtaken ; and he got into a Castle called Guyera , for so far did the Christians pursue them , smiting and slaying , and giving them no respite , so that hardly fifteen thousand escaped of fifty that they were .
19 Sure look at the night , Saturday night he came round to our door , big black stain said you 're alright man , I was , you 're alright man I had a half bottle of cider er er
20 ‘ We 'll now wait and see what democratic changes he comes up with . ’
21 Alan says his wife says of golfers there you are a big cup and lots of money … last week he came home with the cup but no money
22 Mellor , it will be recalled , was the unfortunate minister charged with turning the pig 's ear of Margaret Thatcher 's commercial broadcast policy into a silk purse — a miracle he came close to performing .
23 Each morning he came in from his Alderbury home on a belt-driven Douglas motor bike with sidecar .
24 And on the bus : Every morning he comes out into the garden with his cup of tea and stands there , looking round .
25 Alone with Henrietta , the woman he came closest to loving , Minton must have confronted more forcibly than ever before the nature of his condition .
26 To the home bodies he comes across as a good father , a man who always helps his daughter with her homework .
27 Whoever you blame on the scum transfer fiasco he came out of it as a two-faced hypocrite .
28 At the crash from the front door he came out of his chair and reached for a twelve-bore shotgun that lay on the pine table .
29 During his brave and daring life he came up against many dangers , none so well remembered and retold as the story of how he was saved from death at the hands of the Red Indians by Pocohontas , daughter of Chief Powhattan .
30 After months of experimentation he came up with a vanilla ice cream bar on a stick , bonded with cocoa butter to a coating of chocolate .
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