Example sentences of "[noun] he do [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was all something to do with their thinking he did n't have a proper job , so they said .
2 Most of all , she was the only person he knew to whom he could talk without embarrassment , and it was a help that cycling side by side he did n't have to look at her as he tried to explain .
3 Monday he did n't come Tuesday he did n't come
4 To cut down on expense he did not get the big factory spreaders but started to spread it himself with tractor and shovel .
5 Unlike his brothers he did not seem able to get himself together ; wasted his time at university , married very young , came to London , did this job and that ; wrote a book that was noticed but made no money , then another , a jaunty and irreverent account of a journalist 's career in the provinces .
6 Did he survive because he was essentially provincial , unable to compete with the main creators of his own day , disregarded because in their eyes he did not count for much anyway ?
7 If he was the cynosure of all eyes he did n't notice and in his present mood he would n't have been troubled if he had .
8 It was the mixed blood he did n't like , the native Irish in Francis that lived uneasily with all that dour Scots ancestry .
9 He chuckled , pretending to a lightness he did not feel .
10 He complained that with computers he did n't get to pick his own bombing targets any more .
11 Paul the apostle taught that Christian love ‘ never fails ’ , and as a result he does not recommend widows or widowers to remarry .
12 He knows something about the murder he does n't want you or me to find out about . ’
13 The following year Arthur Woods directed They Drive by Night ( 1938 ) , which makes evocative use of such ordinary English surroundings as a dance palace and the roadside cafés along the Great North Road for the story of an ex-convict hunted for a murder he did n't commit , who comes back to London to hunt down the real killer , a weirdo with books like Sex in Relation to Society and The Thrill of Evil in his briefcase .
14 They considered themselves above parish apprentices , yet of the fellow members of the cutter club with whom he rowed on the Thames , Place recalled that the stroke was hanged for a murder he did not commit , not being able to provide an alibi as he was committing a burglary at the time , while the cox was transported for a robbery .
15 His rounds took him to most parts of the building and Rain was eagerly accepting that it must have been Stan on the second floor making her jumpy when he mentioned that since the murder he did not go into MacQuillan 's room or those next to it because the police were usually there .
16 He can record memorable rounds , personal triumphs and every bit of his progress in this bound journal mind he does n't cheat .
17 It is recognised in planning circles that planning applications for fish and chip shops are contentious and it has been said that whilst ‘ Joe Public wants hot food shops he does not want them near him and he is prepared to fight tooth and nail to stop anyone opening one near his house ’ .
18 Certainly those who worked in the Cages he did not wish to like at all , but among the people who came by the Cages were some who came regularly , day after day , and they seemed all right to him .
19 Once Pip has found out that Magwitch is actually his benefactor he does n't want to accept any more money as he feels it is n't right .
20 If there is a rule he does not like , he will form a exception .
21 It was a devastating headache but , oddly enough , as a rule he did n't mind it .
22 She skidded to a halt , threw her leg over the saddle as though dismounting from a charger , and began to harangue Hugh in words he did n't understand .
23 words he did n't know with Manchester .
24 All I said simply slid off the shell into which he retreated when confronted by words he did not want to hear .
25 Margaret 's oldest son is nine and he knows that Richard is in prison , but that he 's there for a crime he did n't commit .
26 He spent a total of four and a half months in custody for a crime he did not commit .
27 However , there are still many who feel that Beattie is the victim of a serious miscarriage of justice and that he has served almost 20 years for a crime he did not commit .
28 Claudia could see that locking up a Masai for a crime he did not understand was cruel and inhuman .
29 Pictures he did not wish to see passed before him in dazzling procession .
30 When he applied for judicial review he did not know whether his tariff exceeded 20 years , but on 10 April 1990 his solicitors were informed by the Home Office that it did not .
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