Example sentences of "[noun] he [is] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 On the whole speculation is frowned upon because it sometimes drives prices up in a monopolistic fashion ( through the cornering of some market ) and because it creates volatility ; yet where the speculator is a skilled trader in risks he is part of the system .
2 See a chap at work he 's sort of day dream , you 'll be talking to him and he 's miles away
3 Yes at the moment he 's sort of he he 's the lone ranger is n't he Collimore .
4 It casts a new light ( well — a farthing candle ) on Boswell 's recordings of Johnson 's aphorisms : ‘ Whn a mn is tired of Lndn he is trd of lfe . ’
5 A regular exhibitor at the event he is president for the 22nd annual show and will also be showing his pedigree Wiltshire Horn Sheep as a preliminary run before they go on to next month 's Royal Show , at Stoneleigh .
6 When you get out the door he 's sort of going the other way !
7 On the PGCE course he is tutor on the Mother Tongue method course ( 11 students , 16 recruits for 1986–7 ) .
8 Er President of Kazakhstan of course he 's president of a country where again Northern Kazakhstan has a huge Russian , compact Russian population that might want to break away .
9 At present he is director of planned giving and covenant on the diocesan finance team .
10 In his youth he is dusters of beasts : hungry to see Ernest Chevalier , he is ‘ a lion , a tiger — a tiger from India , a boa constrictor ’ ( 1841 ) ; feeling a rare plenitude of strength , he is ‘ an ox , sphinx , bittern , elephant , whale ’ ( 1841 ) .
11 Gobshite ‘ tinks he 's a rock star cause he 's roadie for Paul 's band .
12 The member of the Royal Family he 's sleep with ?
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