Example sentences of "[noun] he [vb past] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 An American horse magazine recently published a letter in which the writer complained that every time she visited her stabled horse he greeted her with his ears pointing backwards .
2 In the spring he took him to the house in Normandy .
3 The bedroom he carried her into had black polished floorboards , panelled walls and a high four-poster .
4 No one really wants to know about him , and he knows why he agreed to do the film , why on the last day of shooting he dismissed it as a ‘ stinker ’ , what he thinks of it now .
5 She struggled furiously , but it was little use , and at the top of the steps he set her on her feet .
6 With a powerful , angry jerk he slammed her against his body and covered her parted lips with his mouth , kissing her deeply and forcefully , his tongue plundering hers with such fierce urgency that the world seemed to stop spinning , fall as still and silent as the eye of a hurricane .
7 In one stride he had her in his grip .
8 With a growl he launched himself at the wizard , boots clattering as he slid from ring to ring .
9 Small things delighted him ; when Bowler 's mother knitted him a sweater he wore it for a period continuously .
10 ‘ At the end of the interview he accused me of trying to stir up trouble , refused to shake my hand and stormed off .
11 After a week in the swamps he left us in a camp at the north end of the Okavango .
12 Although it meant a detour he drove them through the Bois du Boulogne .
13 Just keep half the gram he lent you for your own use , and sell the rest .
14 In support of this submission he referred me to Heaven v. Pender ( 1883 ) 11 Q.B.D. 503 and Le Lievre v. Gould [ 1893 ] 1 Q.B .
15 His ideal was ‘ the complete sympathy of complete detachment ’ , but in practice he distanced himself from his subjects and stressed his severity over the underlying sympathy .
16 As he worked on his script he kept himself to himself .
17 Then , almost alone , he awaited his fate , and as the British troops stormed through the gateway of his stronghold he shot himself with a pistol sent to him in happier days by Queen Victoria .
18 On his way home after a wedding he found himself in a field with an angry bull .
19 When they reached a gap he drew her through it towards the parking area , and there the sight of Doreen standing before the house threw Lucy into a state of gloomy depression .
20 More than any other wartime figure he addressed himself to the conscience of middle-class radicalism , arguing that the only worthwhile victory possible was one based on the common ownership of the means of production and a moral revolution in which selfishness and the profit motive would give way to an ethic of service to the community .
21 Within six months he found himself in the White House .
22 So when he rehearsed the scene he based it on his experience at the chemist 's , an example of his always having to make contact with a real , lived emotion .
23 His short-lived journalistic career encompassed the Highland News and then the Cumbernauld News , but after making no headway he swapped it for being a press officer with the Greater Glasgow Passenger Transport Executive .
24 In his early days at the Bar he supported himself with such kindred activities as washing up at Lyons and libel reading for the News of the World .
25 From a hundred feet he raked it from side to side and back again .
26 The exp , he he showed his acceptance of her by lifting his blanket and so , covering her , a blanket at his feet he covered her with and in this little song was , cover me , extend the border .
27 A row erupted and when they reached Craylands he threw her to the ground and blasted her twice with a shotgun .
28 After lunch he took her to the shops in the wide , tree-lined avenues , and though from time to time she was out of his sight she had no doubt whatever that he still thought she would rush off to telegraph news to her magazine if she got half a chance .
29 After the rape he dragged her to an alley but she broke free .
30 For a long time Roe has harboured a desire to do some commentating so when he had the chance at the European he took it with both hands .
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