Example sentences of "[noun] with [noun sg] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Celtic party left for Portugal with morale at a seasonal high .
2 ‘ Ten years ago we had some curiosity value , ’ says Edward Foy , from Minnesota , one of the few foreigners with tenure at a Japanese university .
3 In accepting Orlov 's suggestion and transferring Kiselev to Paris , Alexander damaged the prospects of reform to a much greater extent than he had by replacing Bibikov with Lanskoi at the Ministry of Internal Affairs .
4 ‘ It 's inconceivable , I agree , ’ responded Howard , waving a well-manicured hand , his plump face pink with embarrassment at the directness of Newman .
5 Marjanov 's early training as a machine-fitter was followed by a period of study with Megert at the Kunstakademie in Düsseldorf , where the artist now lives and works in the Ratherstrasse artists ' collective .
6 There was now bilaterial hydroneophrosis with obstruction at the pelvic inlet ( Figs 1 and 2 ) .
7 The Grain Terminal Board of Directors with chairman at the helm .
8 Highlights include staying at the famous Hôtel du Lac at Vevey , visiting the Ecole Hôteliere in Lausanne with lunch at the Nestlé headquarters , tours of the Alimentarium Food Museum and the Centre de Dégustation des vins , a visit to the Nestlé chocolate factory at Broc and also a cheese factory at Gruyères .
9 It is not a linear process with past at the back and future at front — the Whig theory that the latest moment in history is the most progressive .
10 Dick Hern would not be drawn into comparisons with Nashwan at the same stage of his career , but on yesterday 's evidence Hamdan Al Maktoum could well have a natural successor to his great champion .
11 A room with breakfast at the inn cost 30 guilders , and for double that he could rent a decent-sized room for a year in Schevengin , a poor district behind the station .
12 They paid the balance in monthly or quarterly payments spread over one , two or three years with interest at the rate of 5 per cent a year .
13 Formative interactions during Drosophila neuromuscular synaptogenesis have striking parallels with synaptogenesis at the vertebrate NMJ .
14 He fished a three metre pole rig with bloodworm at the rear of Hanley Park .
15 Central Broadcasting 's Managing Director , Andy Allan , says how important it is to offer a good mixture of regional programmes with news at the heart .
16 The next move , planned at a series of meetings with Control at the Washington Court hotel in Washington , D.C. , was to use the Boohaker connection to worm his way into the heart of General Aoun 's constituency in the United States as a stepping stone to the general himself .
17 Soft , layers styling on short hair with height at the crown .
18 York had a five-week trial with Villa at the start of the seasan after being spotted when the club played two games in Trinidad in the summer .
19 Looking at it and the bleak shore of Flotta beyond , the memories came flooding back : pink gins before Sunday lunch at twopence a throw ; dressing up as Tartars and Eskimos and Bedouins for Tribal parties ; cinema shows where the reels were laced up in the wrong order ; darts competitions in the wardroom flat ; early winter morning torpedo firings in the Flow , very dark and cold ; walks to Longhope for fresh eggs , or fishing for sea-trout in the bay ; piping the admiral as we passed the headquarters ship and eased our way down to Switha Gate bound for distant waters , the captain on the compass platform with cap at an angle , elbows on hips and gloved hands turned upwards , Spider beside him puffing smoke through a black holder and advising courses to steer ; and then , as the ship adjusted herself to the roll and rhythm of the sea , a last flashing message from the signal station at Hoxa Head ( now vandalized and abandoned ) , as it would be the first on our return , days or weeks later .
20 A conflict with experience at the periphery occasions readjustments in the interior of the field .
21 This carbon monoxide comes up through the coke and then comes in contact with air at the top of the fire and then burns to give you carbon dioxide .
22 On the question of the public conveniences erm I feel there 's been a lot of discussion about this , this kind of issue and I feel that what we 've got now is a good agreement erm , we 've got still providing a good level of service with attendance at the central I do n't like referring to conveniences , at the time that they are most needed and I think that now I would n't like to see us go without that if we do n't really need to .
23 Moreover , they equated popery with magic at a more fundamental level , regarding the central doctrinal tenets of Catholicism as blasphemous , superstitious , anti-scriptural , and inherently evil .
24 Mona , the distinguished elderly lady in the tea-gown with lace at the neck , had been listening with a disapproval balanced by her evident affection for both Charity and Peregrine .
25 Sources say Novell Inc has already sent scouts to call on David Tory at the Open Software Foundation with the message that it could not possibly sell Unix with Motif at the kind of price the Foundation charges for a licence : it says the Foundation is now redoing its sums .
26 Sources say Novell Inc has already sent scouts to David Tory at the Open Software Foundation with the message that it could not possibly sell Unix with Motif at the kind of price OSF charges for a licence : it says OSF is now doing its sums .
27 Today 's drive takes you through the Serengeti with lunch at the Ngorongoro Wildlife Lodge .
28 The limousine took them there and they ate oysters , the local delicacy , followed by grilled lobster with salad at a table overlooking the marina .
29 They actually tried to have a structure for the organisation that had doctors , nurses , alternative healers and patients with parity at the organisational level , but they kept the front up that it was run by doctors , because that way they would be acknowledged within the discourses of medicine as having equal power to argue .
30 I ordered two coffees with rum at the bar — Watson 's Trawlerman 's rum is the best , if you can get it , as drunk by Scottish fishermen — and while that was coming I emptied the pockets of my parka .
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