Example sentences of "[noun] with [adj] children [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Ahmed is a single parent with two children under five .
2 Drama with children in their first years of school differs from drama with older children only in content and organisation , not in basic approaches to the subject .
3 I can only think of two adverts with Black children on .
4 Social interactions with other children also need to be considered .
5 The current benefit for a single mother with one child is £56-a-week plus housing benefit , or £67.80 with two children under 11 .
6 Fewer than one in one hundred families with dependent children with a mother in employment have weekly incomes under £100 , compared to one in ten families with dependent children where the mother was not in employment .
7 We 'd recommend Garda for those who want plenty to do on holiday , or to groups with different interests — families with teenage children perhaps .
8 He went about his work mechanically , withdrawing from contact with other children as much as he could but aware of a subtle shift in the groundswell of opinion around him .
9 It 's not good keeping the prospectuses piled up in the office just in case a casual visitor asks for one , they need to be where people with young children regularly gather .
10 I think the end result was that erm I say this man was dead so Married man with four children just coming home from work , minding his own business .
11 Mothers with small children particularly hated them and longed for a house with a garden ( Gittus , 1976 ) .
12 The basic Income Support rate , including allowances for two people , their dependent children and the family or lone parent premium , from April 1991 are as follows : for a couple with two children under 11 is £97.30 per week , and for a lone parent over 18 with one child under 11 £63.05 per week .
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