Example sentences of "[noun] with [noun] as [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Jack felt the need to treat these outbursts by Warnie with firmness as well as with gentleness , not least because his brother was giving voice to feelings which he shared quite passionately himself .
2 Pulled between a trusting wife and a beautiful young lover , David Parkin had decided to delay an unpleasant confrontation with Nicola as long as possible .
3 Last year 's activities included explanatory talks , simple construction projects , radio fox hunting , Morse instruction , radio operating with contacts as far away as Australia , USA and Japan , including opportunities for attendees to chat to the overseas operators , and experiments with a kite antenna .
4 His work became the subject of college analysis and European film festivals which , incidentally , were recognizing his work with retrospectives as early as 1964 .
5 But unions at Corporate Jets point out they have no such assurances and are anxious to have a meeting with Raytheon as soon as possible to find out its long-term plans .
6 The situation has improved substantially since then and girls have achieved parity with boys as far as staying on at school .
7 Sir Hugh Hastings of Fenwick seems to have been primarily Northumberland 's man , but his land in south Yorkshire had brought him into contact with Gloucester as early as 1471 , when the duke made him his deputy steward of Snaith , and to judge by his choice of feoffees Hastings maintained links with the duke 's circle .
8 Sir Hugh Hastings of Fenwick seems to have been primarily Northumberland 's man , but his land in south Yorkshire had brought him into contact with Gloucester as early as 1471 , when the duke made him his deputy steward of Snaith , and to judge by his choice of feoffees Hastings maintained links with the duke 's circle .
9 On Feb. 6 Iraq announced the breaking-off of diplomatic relations with France as well as with the USA , the UK , Italy , Saudi Arabia and Egypt .
10 In conclusion , these are early days and there is a lot that still remains to be learned about adoption with contact as far as the children are concerned .
11 There must be other joint initiatives with publishers as well as with the media and the telecommunications industries which also might prove mutually beneficial .
12 With the amount of alcohol he had on board he could not be sure of playing any further conversation with Ramsbum as tactfully as he would wish .
13 Zahedi said he intended to settle the oil dispute with Britain as fast as he could , and the United States at once promised the loans that it had refused Mossadeq .
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