Example sentences of "[noun] with [noun] [vb past] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 For a while it seemed that the whole black music scene had a fixation about penning songs with titles formed entirely around the same noun , Sam Cooke adding to his bank balance via ‘ Baby , Baby , Baby ’ ( 1963 ) while James Brown band singer Anna King and Bobby Byrd provides a classic of the same title during '64 .
2 Even Roquelaure 's omission to tell him that he 'd been involved in setting up the deal with Iran seemed less mysterious as the Métro train cruised beneath the Paris streets .
3 The mutual love-in with NatWest began early .
4 Subjects with atrophy had significantly higher serum gastrin concentrations than all other subjects and higher than old subjects without atrophy .
5 His interview with Law went as badly as it is easily possible to imagine .
6 Her liaison with Wyatt continued apace until late in 1990 when the Duchess finally came under official pressure to cool it .
7 Two teenage boys , Neil and Simon , with muscular dystrophy , immobilised now forever , propped up side by side with twig-arms disposed lightly on clean sheets and skeletal intelligent faces cocked at unnatural angles , open-mouthed , amongst the pillows .
8 Yet despite fine work going on in many schools , classrooms and library resource centres , it is all too common to find teachers reverting to type , schools with equipment stowed away unused , library resource centres which have become simply print shops for the production of work sheets and diagrams , supplementing teacher.exposition and drill .
9 Those few short months with Tony seemed sometimes like a dream to her .
10 Though a form of categorisation was still being executed in the form of a separate story for each moral , the new abstract subject involved use of invention and illustrated animals through their engagement with fable became anthropomorphically represented .
11 Punctuality was by way of being an obsession — although once he missed a recording session with Barry Took altogether and all but flayed himself for his lack of professionalism .
12 Those men who might have planned sensibly for the inevitable war with Germany had all been shot .
13 In flight Spotted Eagle usually holds leading edge of wing straight , but Lesser Spotted flies with wings held slightly forward and so looking more crooked ; both species slightly droop wing-tips when gliding .
14 Her first meeting with Charles augured somewhat better for the future .
15 During the two years 1990 and 1991 , business with customers averaged around 2,000 deals per day and intra-market business ( between GEMMs ) averaged around 600 deals per day .
16 One of the musicians who played in the band with Buddie had once ruffled Frankie 's thick black hair and called him ‘ Smallfry ’ in a way that was not meant to be unkind .
17 His personal life in the years with Beatrice had never been so wild .
18 The collapse of profits arises from recession with glass used mainly in the construction industry and car manufacturing , both sectors amongst the hardest hit .
19 A significant rise with age remained even when prostatic disease ( which is largely associated with age ) was excluded from the analysis .
20 Robert Bevan , one of their number , had worked at Pont-Aven and had known Paul Gauguin , and Sickert , whose sympathy with France went deep , owned a house in Neuville , on the outskirts of Dieppe , which he lent for a time to the Gilmans .
21 The final quiet half-hour in the kitchen with Phoebe had only made her conscious of what she had then known was now necessary .
22 The succession to the Empire was soon re-established in the Habsburg line and the link with Hungary came again after the battle of Mohács in 1526 , when Ferdinand I of Austria succeeded the last Jagellonian King of Hungary and Bohemia , Ludovic , who was drowned while fleeing from the battlefield .
23 Semi-quantitative analyses of ET-1-IR in groups A and B showed similar magnitudes of epithelial-cell staining ; however , vascular-endothelial-cell staining was greater in group B. Both groups with CFA had significantly more epithelial-cell staining than group C patients ( fig 3 ) .
24 Her love-affairs with clothes suggested yet another career for Kylie .
25 They both stared at the water with reluctance stamped all over their faces , then Sam 's cleared as he thought of a more palatable solution .
26 The Swimathon is a national event with swims held all around the country .
27 It was a fact that her relationship with Hugh had never progressed to actual intimacy .
28 Although the United States of America continued to remain neutral , their relationship with Britain became further enhanced by Winston Churchill being Prime Minister , as his mother had been an American citizen , and Churchill was able , in September 1940 , to bargain successfully to obtain fifty destroyer-class ships with which to combat the German naval forces — mainly submarine boats — which were endeavouring to blockade sea borne supplies reaching Britain .
29 The Rio Group 's relationship with Cuba had yet to be resolved .
30 Hamnett 's relationship with Bertelsen foundered early last year , but only after he had opened an extravagant shop the size of an aircraft hangar for her , designed by Norman Foster in trendy Brompton Cross , South Kensington .
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