Example sentences of "[noun] you be [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If these are your worries you are in good company .
2 You know and immediately can you see , you 've asked him all these questions you can see what a pain in the neck you are to all the people you 've asked these questions of .
3 ‘ The chief thing to remember , ’ he said , ‘ is that when you lose your fear you 're in real danger . ’
4 … I think the better you are at public relations the better you can do your job .
5 ‘ Then it would surprise you , perhaps , to learn that Kao Chen was one of the two assassins you were after that day ten years ago . ’
6 Never mind , you have a definition — you are a ‘ bad child ’ , which is infinitely preferable to not knowing what sort of child you are at all .
7 And in case you 're in any doubt , that was a compliment ! ’ she added tartly as she climbed from the bag and began to struggle into her now dry clothes .
8 Just in case you are in any doubt though , you can treat this as an enthusiastic endorsement .
9 If you get caught with more than seven tablets you 're in big time trouble . ’
10 ‘ That when I ‘ dared ’ to so compel you , you flew out at me like the spirited filly you are under that demure exterior , ’ stated her ladyship with a quizzing look .
11 Or you can use the Back Door to hop between two rooms — it takes you back to the room you were in last .
12 Dun Duncan you are on three nine six by the way are ya ?
13 She said : ‘ To have the person you 're with reduced to just another toyboy headline is demeaning . ’
14 Some pieces of work , on the other hand , require a lot of reading and study time during composition ; and for these you are likely to produce better work if you choose questions that genuinely interest you , or connect with problems you are in any case interested in outside your literary work , rather than if you feel your work is being done out of obligation or under duress .
15 Er Lot number three Lot number three the Canton trays there we are there we 've got a sample showing for you Lot number three , there are seven of them in the Lot all seven of them for a hundred and fifty pounds at one hundred and fifty , sixty , seventy , one eighty , one ninety , two hundred , two twenty , forty , sixty two eighty I 'm offered two hundred and eighty pounds you 're on three hundred for you sir three hun three twenty three fifty , three eighty go to four hundred four twenty four fifty four eighty five hundred and fifty and you bet against you both now five hundred and fifty is offered against you both now , five fifty five hundred and fifty pounds .
16 Just think of all the people you are at different times , in different places .
17 Seating depends on room arrangement and table size ; but the more in the centre you are of any line the better your range of vision , and the better placed you are to get involved .
18 She can still tell the police you were in that shooting and once they get you , you can forget you ever had any friends or were ever in the Army .
19 I think it 's exciting to think that on the rare occasion we feature a non farming issue , we discover what a group of internationalists our readers are , and how in touch you are with current affairs .
20 ‘ Every time I see you , with young Radcliffe you 're in each other 's arms ! ’
21 Second year you 're on another assignment anyway so it does n't make no repeat .
22 If you walked up the brow at the back of the house you were in two minutes up on a great closely cropped bare turfy expanse , looking down at the sea ; and to the left all the indentations of the coastline , the bays , the beaches and coves within them , the tumble of rocks at the bottom of some sheer cliff , far west to lonely and uninhabitable shores , was visible .
23 When I think of the trauma you were in eight months ago …
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