Example sentences of "[noun] that really [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I 've suddenly remembered that the programme that really infuriated me , when I was tired and wet and Paddy Ashdown was getting away with sheer murder before my eyes , and the polls looked terminal for the Tories , and I was beginning to think that the whole thing was rigged against us , was not the BBC at all .
2 This is a type of aircraft that really reminds you what your feet are for .
3 United Kingdom confectionery trade is worth two point six billion pounds , billion , and two years ago a figure that really astonished me when I saw it was that the total of all money that was given to development charities in the United Kingdom , including CAFOD , Christian Aid and Oxfam was equal to what Britain spent on one product made in York and that 's KitKat .
4 Develop an index of notes that really helps you locate notes quickly when preparing for tutorials , writing essays or revising for exams .
5 But the adverts that really annoy me are not so much the ones aimed at women but the ones aimed at men .
6 That 's the part that really bothers me . ’
7 And this is another fallacy that really struck me when I saw this ; you imagine Victorian stitchery to be uniformly fine and perfect , twenty stitches to the inch and that sort of thing .
8 It was a kind of expiation , the only kind that really hurt him .
9 Once this had been achieved , and we had given each other that little nod of recognition with which one acknowledges an intellectual equal , I moved on to the question that really interested me , which was how Alison came to know Thomas Carter in the first place .
10 And it is true that , I mean , well , you know , I 've spent a lot of time reviving typefaces that are not around , I mean , you know , propping them up , creating a waxed edition , sort of Madam Tussauds version of Lucien or something , but it 's very interesting — there is not , in type development terms , there is n't a whole lot that has happened after the Second World War that really turns me on .
11 Nearly two years ago , I saw the type of package that really interested me BUT , of course , it was not for my computer .
12 She wanted to make some sarcastic retort about his being so bossy , but he was already clearing away the plates , not paying the slightest scrap of attention to her , and she realised that it was this lack of attention that really annoyed her .
13 The sound that really got me going came from one of the A3 's ROM cards , numbered SPC-04 , a patch called ‘ Amp 66 ’ which is also stored in the A2 's internal memory as patch 63 .
14 Pick out some of the comparisons that really helped you imagine what tyrannosaurus rex was like .
15 I wrote : ‘ These are the questions that really bug me about you .
16 Wealth can make life easier , but the things that really make us happy , like friendship , love and the feeling that we are doing something worthwhile , are things that money can not buy .
17 So the three things that really got me yesterday was the Aldershot method the structured thoughts and the coaching they all went together very well and Rob let's see what he thinks
18 WHEN Boris Yeltsin last visited Britain , one of the things that really impressed him was private health care , not exactly a socialist ideal .
19 Angie Bowie : ‘ I never realized and had never been involved in who did what , but I suppose that amounts to , if one wants to look at it from Ken 's point of view , being the fly in the ointment , or of one wants to look at it from a real point of view as , in terms of property settlement and management , that I was being David 's manager at that particular time , because it was possible for me to advise him to do something about the things that really troubled him artistically .
20 One of the things that really annoyed us in the Ministry was when the Publisher 's representative used to go straight into the Minister 's office and dictate letters which the Minister then signed .
21 Or the nineteen thirties book is like one of the things that really inspired me because it showed me that you can do type that looks as though , I mean it can be composed as though in metal and not be boring — can not be , manufactured , you know hum drum , by varying the weights and by massing it , and also one of the things they do , that you see in those books that you did n't see in printing , was this size of type .
22 But it was the mist that really let him in .
23 It 's an exciting country with an Eastern quality that really makes it worth seeing .
24 my Lord , my Lord erm my Lord that really brings me to what are , er my conclusions , my Lord erm , can I just practice my conclusions with two erm comments , first of all about the , the my learned friend seems to paint erm in relation to this of course Mr made a point quite strongly that he agrees this is a relevant consideration and that er have exaggerated the situation and if they are willing to make a point a like this it would require evidence , they did point to their accounts , Lord erm I do n't see to put in evidence , but the , the statutory statement of business served er filed by on the first of September this year with the D T I , revealed that has a total of sixteen and a half billion in it 's members premium trust funds which is up four billion from the end of the previous year , erm , set against that the claims now made against the names is , is relatively speaking er small , erm my Lord
25 The only thing that er the only two characters that really wind me up Mrs Mangle from Neighbours
26 Once , though , she made a comment that really upset me .
27 However , the same rule applies to evening classes as to joining clubs — it must be a subject that really interests you .
28 But it was that voice that really nailed it ; that languid , partly-formed Brooklyn drawl moving somewhere in the area of the tune .
29 He seemed to me and many others , I think we were in common agreement , most of the people that I was associated with , that Ni Bevan was the only man that really cared you know , he really cared .
30 But the Bordeaux that really grabs me is the oak-aged Blanc de Bordeaux ‘ 90 .
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