Example sentences of "[noun] that you [modal v] be " in BNC.

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1 Then , place a sheet of glass over the design and trace the outlines on to the stiff card that you will be using for your stencil pattern .
2 ‘ It occurred to General Schellenberg that you might be caught out by the weather . ’
3 Fired off in rapid succession questions merely sound like an inquisition with the result that you will be creating anxiety , not ideas .
4 ‘ And did n't it even once cross your mind that you might be doing harm ? ’
5 Erm I have no doubt in my own mind that you would be able to erm launch into this without any problem because of your experience .
6 Now bear in mind that you may be up anything up to three months in a condition where you 're completely and totally unable to move a muscle for yourself .
7 All in all , it was a great night — good fun and a chance to meet others in the department that you 'll be lucky to see even once a year !
8 Somehow not unnaturally , I 'd say — they got it into their heads that you 'd be … well , I do n't want to get my nose punched here , do I ?
9 This has no practical purpose whatsoever but has become rather a measure of ability — if you can duck gybe it is an indication that you must be quite good .
10 Books that you will be proud to display in your home — forever !
11 right erm could I just check something else which was not mentioned er is that is it when you have opened these two Homeworks shops that you 'll be up to a hundred and seventy eight
12 its , it 's , it 's the same Saturdays and Sundays , I ca n't get him out of the house and yet soon as we get there we have friends and family and they say , keep saying come on , come up and see us , I went up in the mini on me own one day and spent a couple of days with her , but , it , it ai n't the same when you go on your own , I dare n't go too far in my mini because it 's , it 's erm , it 's not a car that you can be hundred per cent sure of it , I mean as soon as it rains it stops anyway , we went out in it today and there 's all water in the front of the , in the front , but
13 He warned Yousefi he had a prison sentence in mind and added : ‘ I am also considering the appropriateness of a recommendation that you should be deported from this country because of your activities . ’
14 Judge William Hannah adjourned the case for social inquiry reports but said : ‘ I am considering the appropriateness of a recommendation that you should be deported from this country because of your activities . ’
15 I need answers to these questions to be in a position to request formally of our governing board that you should be free to use the name ‘ Oxford ’ .
16 So at that point then did you almost give up hope that you would be rescued ? that you more or less were going to end in the sea at that point ?
17 ’ I am writing in the hope that you may be able to give me some positive information regarding the money I am supposed to live on .
18 I decided to write to Practical PC in the hope that you might be able to solve this minor mystery .
19 I feel obliged to tell this to you as a warning , and in the hope that you will be able to understand and not judge me when attacks strike .
20 If you know the length per ball or cone of the yarns that you will be using for your garment , you can enter this information in the ADJUST section .
21 Derelict buildings , old workings , dams and hushes scar the land and everywhere there are the cones of spoil heaps that stretch acre upon acre in some places , so that you feel at times that you could be standing on the surface of the moon .
22 There are other sums of money that you might be entitled to , too , before we can move on to the business of budgeting .
23 Money that you could be putting to work .
24 Choosing a bed is such an important decision that you should be prepared to take your time , seek expert advice and try out as many models as possible
25 Others can make a judgement that you should be spending less than that , and in fact the first budget we presented yesterday was at the level of three hundred and eleven point five million , which is further below the capped level .
26 Is n't it obvious within a second that you must be looking at the husband and wife ?
27 You slip over now … well , as soon as you 've seen Emma off to sleep , and tell May that you 'll be over later .
28 is the environment you work in and the major benefit that you 'll be putting over to the
29 Make the test pages an accurate reflection of the sort of work that you will be sending and take the time to explain what they contain , where the files come from and always include a laser printed proof .
30 When you come to evaluate the software always ensure that you test its capabilities by having it produce real examples of the work that you will be doing .
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