Example sentences of "[noun] that he have find " in BNC.

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1 When her mentor , Louis Leakey , sent out the young photographer Hugo Van Lawick to photograph the chimpanzees at Gombe , he wrote to Vanne that he 'd found just the husband for Jane .
2 In 1496 he was able to tell his royal employers that he had found a goldfield of El Doradan proportions , capable of producing up to 3 tons of gold a year , enough to justify the cost of his four expeditions .
3 He shuffled , he stamped , he stayed well back in the shelter of the narrow brick passageway that he 'd found as a better lookout point .
4 As for the dormeuse , it would seem to have been taken as far as Quatre Bras ; and there , according to his fellow officers von Oetlinger and von Humbracht , von Keller determined to open the necessaire that he had found in the carriage , believing it to be full of gold .
5 He wanted to recapture the feeling of being his own man , addressing his own problems , working as a member of a wider team that he had found in the RAF .
6 All at once she had the uncomfortable feeling that he had found some deeper meaning in her remark and was silently agreeing with her ; then he laughed , and the moment passed .
7 He began to wonder how much more time he would need to waste before phoning Blanche with the bad news that he had found nothing .
8 He had been sitting on the cart since early morning and all he had to show for scouring the streets was an old tin bath that he had found on some wasteground , a couple of sacks of rags and one or two pieces of old iron .
9 But she knew now that he lived in a state near total despair , his life so meaningless he did n't know how to live it , his one certainty that he had to find Jake and Fincara .
10 That night he slept in an old cardboard box that he 'd found , and that gave him some protection from the chilling morning dew .
11 According to the recently discovered personal notes , however , Weinberger was aware of a November 1985 arms shipment of US Hawk anti-aircraft missiles from Israel to Iran before the end of the year , despite earlier claims that he had found out about it only in 1986 .
12 But the result left Baldwin in essentially the position that he had found so objectionable when held by Austen Chamberlain in 1922 .
13 But was it not a position that he had found ideal in his 10 years as a recall man ?
14 He had realised as soon as he had employed Michael that he had found himself a kindred spirit .
15 His easy success often led him into precarious adventures ; in 1917 the French intercepted a cable from the German Ambassador in Madrid reporting to Berlin that he had found a mistress for the new Commander-in-Chief , for the modest fee of 12,000 pesetas a month .
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