Example sentences of "[noun] that he [was/were] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He spoke about his wife and his brother-in-law that he was in business with . ’
2 Unfortunately , problems still remain with regard to delivery and it seems that in the case of an individual delivery will still be necessary as the old law still applies , with the result that a document will be treated as delivered when it is clear that it was intended by one of the parties that he was to be bound by the terms of the document .
3 It was Caroline 's fault that he was in here .
4 He had not been seen in public since 29 December , an indication that he was in trouble .
5 ( He subsequently declared in a radio interview that he was in good health . )
6 I do n't know anything about Mr Rochester 's character , but I do know that he offered to marry this young girl , who only discovered during the wedding ceremony that he was in fact already married , to a mad woman .
7 He had an obscure faith that he was in the presence of some tributary of Fred 's staunch temperament .
8 ‘ T'was in more than t'colour of his hair that he was like a fox , ’ the maid replied .
9 During the Second World War the King of Saudi Arabia , Abdul Aziz , managed to convince both the British and the Germans that he was on their side .
10 There were rumours after he had a stroke last March that he was on the brink of retirement and that he wished to go .
11 The Prime Minister told parliament that he was against freezing savings accounts or monetary reform which would devalue the internal rouble and cut the value of individuals ' savings .
12 The warm reception given to Project 90 , designed by John Heffernan and Ken Greenley , provided positive proof to Ward that he was on the right track in his long-term strategy of building a separate and much stronger image for the Bentley marque .
13 Amidst a jumble of confused emotions , he had finally made the decision that he was in love with Katja Müller .
14 Then he finally — after months of trying — convinced ex-Bros and Pet Shop Boys manager Tom Watkins that he was worth more than one ‘ embarrassed ’ business meeting .
15 Here Rank 's insistence that he was in films to make money , that he would n't interfere because he knew nothing about production , was challenged by his lack of vision and , eventually , his weak stomach for full-blooded costume melodrama .
16 Dedicated work in the nets resulted in such an improvement in his batting that he was among the top five scorers in the Cup with 383 runs at 47.87 , including his maiden century against the Leewards , Curtly Ambrose et al .
17 In the burgh of Inverkeithing the effect would have been disastrous had not Captain Robert Cunningham 's money been lavishly dispensed among the councillors and magistrates , for as was to be expected , it had not been in Cunningham 's power to convince anyone in the town that he was under the protection of the Duke of Argyll .
18 Milton , the provost believed , should write to the collector of customs to have him tell the threatened tide waiter that he was in no danger , and at the same time secure an order for Main to cross to West Lothian for a few days , around the time of the burgh elections , in order to get him out of the way , for the election of the deacon of the wrights would turn on this single vote .
19 The Special Branch had known for some weeks that he was in Germany .
20 So he was born de Lisle , and it was at the point that he was in military school that he added the Rouget , you know , like having a double barrelled name ,
21 Quite a few prominent people were to pay for that series defeat and it must have been a cruel disappointment for Mains that he was among those replaced .
22 He 'd come to the conclusion that he was of a completely different species to Leila and her people .
23 His brain , never an overactive organ even on those rare moments when it was n't pickled in alcohol , grappled with the fact that he appeared to be in some sort of tent before triumphantly reaching the conclusion that he was at a party .
24 ‘ There is no legal justification whatever ’ , he thundered , ‘ in saying that Meehan was wrongly convicted , and having heard all the evidence in this case , you might well have come to the clear conclusion that he was in fact rightly convicted . ’
25 Why should anyone look at this silent , red-haired violinist and leap to the conclusion that he was in the Department of Trade and Industry ?
26 Alfred Fry , stage manager of Drew 's company , told the court that he was at the premises in Friar Street when he heard Drew singing at six o'clock ; he also saw and spoke to Drew at 6.15 .
27 ULSTER Unionist councillor John Adams today dampened speculation that he was in line to be Londonderry 's next deputy mayor .
28 On June 1 Oscar Dhlomo , Inkatha 's general secretary and close associate of Buthelezi , had resigned , giving rise to speculation that he was in dispute with Buthelezi over how to handle the situation in Natal .
29 His retreat was , however , purely tactical , for the hunter had got wind of his quarry and from early 1869 he began to lay his traps , with the certain knowledge that he was on the right track .
30 There was a good chance that he was in Mariánské Láznë on holiday , was n't there ?
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