Example sentences of "[noun] that he [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 A deal would need two big concessions from Mr Gorbachev that he balked at last year .
2 Story has it that when Minton hung this portrait at Allen Street it so offended an art critic that he spat at it .
3 ‘ Yes , she does look better , ’ replied Melissa , thinking that the return of Rodney 's jacket must have convinced Eleanor that he had at last been eliminated from police enquiries .
4 One of the most attractive designs that he did at this time was for Kay Dick 's novel , An Affair of Love ( 1953 ) .
5 The trustee may at any time give notice to a secured creditor that he proposes at the end of twenty-eight days to redeem the security at the value placed upon it by the creditor in his proof .
6 A casual rapping that he knew at once was Marie .
7 Will he convey to the Prime Minister what I know to be the view of the three party leaders who represent Northern Ireland in the House — that we are endeavouring diligently to meet the wishes that he expressed at the Downing street meeting on 11 February ?
8 Though widely reported , it is uncertain whether on 10 September Moltke , in fact , informed the Kaiser , ‘ Majesty , we have lost the war ’ ; if so , it showed a flash of strategic prescience that he displayed at no other moment in his military career .
9 His right hand was half hidden by the cover flap of the holster that he wore at his belt .
10 It was perhaps as a member of Gloucester 's retinue that he fought at Bannockburn in June 1314 , where Gloucester was killed ; and his performance in the battle , for which he was later rewarded with land worth 100 marks a year , may have brought him to Edward II 's notice .
11 Whether Josquin and his fellow Northerners active in Italy are properly to be regarded as ‘ Renaissance ’ figures , a question that he ponders at some length , is at bottom a non-issue .
12 Perhaps it is no accident that he began at last to find his true identity as a painter , although his dream of sculpting still haunted him .
13 Regan favours the quality of ‘ intrinsic value ’ , a concept that he treats at length .
14 But poetry and music were not the only things that he wrote at this time .
15 The flashes of ridicule or condescension that he directed at the " old men " in Vichy undermined confidence in his opponents .
16 But — and it 's this sort of complication that makes him I think such a remarkable man — although that did happen then , for the next ten , twelve years , he was entirely preoccupied , almost entirely preoccupied with something else , and this something else erm originates from the other revolution that he underwent at this time , a revolution that occurred after a visit to an international mathematical congress in Paris , where he met the Italian mathematician Peano .
17 erm but I also think , I also find him to be exceedingly critical of the figures that he looks at just like he was very critical of Woodrow Wilson .
18 How does the Prime Minister reconcile the welcome emphasis that he placed at the Commonwealth conference on the extension of democratic government throughout the Commonwealth with the continuing reluctance of the Government to give any form of democratic control over their own lives to the people of Wales and Scotland ?
19 ‘ No evidence that he had at all .
20 The prosecution finally dropped its charges when Robert McFarlane , National Security Adviser in 1983-85 and thus North 's superior , who was brought before Gesell on Sept. 11 as a test case to decide whether proceedings should continue , declared that North 's congressional testimony had a " very powerful impact " on him and " coloured " evidence that he gave at the original trial .
21 As the Empress Eugénie remarked : ‘ It was for him a cannon ball that he dragged at his feet all his life . ’
22 He put a hand into a pocket of his elegant duster coat and brought out a small .22 pistol that he pointed at my face .
23 Great praise has been given to Mr. Baker , the United States Secretary of State , for arranging that conference and so fulfilling the commitment that he gave at the time of the Gulf war , when he said that he and President Bush would do all that they could to bring the parties to the negotiating table .
24 That is the implication of a very suggestive comment that he made at the time to Edgar Faure : " At certain periods there are some problems that have no solution . "
25 He ought to swap the doctors that he has at the Serious Fraud Office for those who decide applications for disability allowance and attendance allowance .
26 Tottenham fans are still waiting to see the England Under-21 international produce the scintillating form that he displayed at his former club Portsmouth .
27 She spoke with such soft intensity that he stared at her for a long , thoughtful moment .
28 Although Geoffrey appeared to be absorbed in a book he had picked up , she had no doubt that he had at least one ear open to the conversation .
29 Chance evidence from one chronicle records that he stayed at the Benedictine abbey of Andres in the Pas de Calais on his way before crossing the Channel .
30 As the Prime Minister savours one of his last few busy days before the deluge , will he think back to the dinner that he gave at No. 10 Downing street last November on behalf of the Tory party for what The Sun — I must quote it accurately because it is from The Sun —
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