Example sentences of "[noun] that er [pers pn] know " in BNC.

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1 Erm are there any specific areas of difficulty like you know sort of things like statistics , things like , you know , erm I du n no , other bits and pieces that er you know give you particular problems ?
2 And er but very definitely now I think we 've got the self confidence that er you know we very much and er we feel established enough that everybody can bring their banners and it 's gon na be a good day .
3 Er that kind of idea that er you know , whether any changes at all that you thought that you appreciated er in that made workers feel that they were in fact a more important a more important part of their industry ?
4 Er I was fully aware of the fact that er you know , some people say , particularly in the fitting departments where experience had taught the fitters , having been given a free hand , er that they accumulated all the parts for a job , or even part of the job , they did certain assemblies you know , until they got all the part pieces assembled ready to combine it into the main unit , erm that experience er was being overtaken by an introduction of smaller units being assembled you know , bit by bit as they were being produced in the machine shop .
5 Well that 's another reason I 'm sat here is the fact that er you know you 've actually doubled it .
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