Example sentences of "[noun] that she have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The walk there took only about ten minutes and she thought that even with the frightening weakness in her legs that she had discovered the first time she got out of bed she ought to manage that distance .
2 She stuffed the postcard under her pillow and then smoothed the covers that she 'd refused to straighten before school .
3 A bedroom that she had known for at least ten of her seventeen years .
4 He was irritated by a piece of smut on her cheek and started to wipe it off , and then pretended he had been stroking her , because he saw her distress at an emotion that she had guessed with her usual impossible correctness .
5 As well as that , how could she admit to Bella that she had seen the money hidden in the drawer ?
6 The former US ambassador to Iraq , April Glaspie , replying belatedly to the allegation that she had allowed Saddam Hussein to conclude that there would be no US opposition if Iraq invaded Kuwait , gave her own version of her fateful July 25 , 1990 , discussions with the Iraqi President , when she appeared before the Senate foreign relations committee in late March 1991 .
7 Elsewhere , the close-up , detailed approach which works brilliantly , say , for Imogen Stubbs 's affecting Desdemona ( the pathos of her disoriented , jittery jauntiness intensified by beautiful touches such as the sepia photograph of her estranged father she keeps on the bedside table in Cyprus or the chocolates from Casio that she has secreted in a locked draw , not because she fears sexual misconstruction but because she would like to be thought too grown-up for frivolous sweet-guzzling by Othello ) paradoxically diminishes Iago because it encourages the belief that he can be realistically ‘ explained ’ like a figure in a novel .
8 She had told Anne on Saturday that she had received her last letter before the leave .
9 She stood staring after his lithe figure , gripped by the same sense of anguish and loss that she 'd felt in the Piazzale Roma .
10 He could tell by her eyes that she had closed her mind to him .
11 She told the National Enquirer that she had met the prince just months before the Duchess of York was snapped in intimate poses in the South of France with American financial adviser John Bryan , 37 .
12 There was no doubt in her mind that she had met a truly extraordinary mathematical brain , and words like child-genius and prodigy went flitting through her head .
13 It would hardly cross his mind that she had gone past the point of that to something altogether more serious and far less retrievable .
14 She had pressed the pinafored lady for confirmation that she had understood her last question , but the answer had still come back ‘ one week ’ .
15 But her own internal stresses — her anxiety over Between the Acts which she had just finished , and the fear that she had lost the power to write — closed in on her as that unmitigable depression , her companion of old , took final hold .
16 He 's wonderful ! ’ she said and looked at the counsellor like someone confessing to her girlfriend that she has fallen in love .
17 I I saw Mrs granddad that she 's got a new bike and I said I wish I could go that .
18 But Faye was n't reclined on the couch that she had declared would be her home base for the evening , and with a sudden pang of anxiety Belinda realised that she had n't seen or talked to Faye since about half-past five .
19 It was n't his fault that she had discovered her feelings were more than just desire .
20 I think it was a car that she 'd had for was well looked after her dad used to see to it for her but it was she 'd had it for some years and she was always poodling about in you see .
21 It was for Pat that she had put on that dress , those smart shoes .
22 One woman told Elizabeth Roberts that she had resorted to taking her wedding ring to the pawnbrokers ' three times : ‘ each time I was caught with babies ’ .
23 Because when Wendy and Laura had returned they 'd brought a verbal message from Suzie to the effect that she 'd met a Danish boy and had no intention of returning to England to complete her studies .
24 The following day the dress rehearsal went so smoothly that after giving out his notes — the pause at the end of the third act , before Olwyn opened the cigarette box for the second time , was a whisker too long , and her response to Robert 's line to the effect that she 'd fabricated the person she loved a touch too quick — ; Meredith declared enough was enough .
25 At the back of the same red Lion Brand Cash book was a note in his mother 's handwriting to the effect that she had given Peter £1 for pocket money .
26 When Alison stepped back into the bedroom the slight drop in temperature immediately sought out the damp patches on her back and shoulders that she 'd missed with the towel .
27 After the sickening shock of the rapid deterioration of her first childish marriage , she had been so afraid of ever again being engulfed by hatred and violence that she had maintained a resolute pleasantness even through the worst of times , even with Charles , who was not an easy man .
28 It was the second time in their acquaintanceship that she had put her hand on his thigh .
29 He smiled and there was no triumph , only genuine pleasure that she had accepted his offer , and Ruth knew in her heart that she had nothing to fear from this man .
30 There was no way of being certain how long she 'd spent on the ward ; it might have been six weeks or six years , but she was guessing at six months because this had been the first commission review that she 'd received .
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