Example sentences of "[noun] that [vb -s] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In a world of single parents , almost all of them female , it is the relationship that the young man has with a solid male figure that gives him an edge and keeps him on the straight and narrow .
2 In modern times interest has centred around what it is about the owl that makes it the target for this hostile treatment .
3 A dimension that gives you a more effective heating system that 's cheaper to run — Total Heating with Central Control .
4 A basic skill that gives them the greatest start in life .
5 It means the League champions have gone 11 games unbeaten , a run that offers them a final placing that would erase much of the disappointment of a frustrating season that includes two defeats by Coventry .
6 ‘ What is it about work that gives you the most pleasure ? ’
7 There are currently nearly ninety Remploy factories up and down the country which employ disabled people in productive work that earns them a reasonable wage .
8 Many firms using the bubble policy have found that the resulting pollution was less than what the law allows , a circumstance that grants them a credit towards added pollution in the future .
9 If the doctor helped Mr Mansur , he could be charged under a new Michigan law that makes it a crime to assist a person to commit suicide .
10 True repose is not to be found in that great house , and the flag that proclaims it a ‘ happy home ’ lies to ‘ the lightsome air ’ .
11 However the very fact that the product has been around for so long and is so well established in the corporate market place that makes it a worth taking seriously .
12 This is not to say that the one is better than the other , music and poetry are for ever different and it is the difference that accords us the added joy .
13 ‘ It is the process of being recruited , co-opted and accepted by the apparatus that makes someone a bureaucrat ’ .
14 Because choosing both the right type or investment and the particular institution with which you are likely to feel happiest is such an important decision , even after you have chosen a scheme you will have a 14-day cooling off period that gives you a chance to change your mind .
15 There is a dynamic about poverty that makes it a risk increaser when it interlocks with other factors .
16 There is a dynamic about poverty that makes it a risk increaser when it interlocks with other factors .
17 You see any product that calls itself an ‘ anti-perspirant ’ works by actually blocking the pores of your skin with chemicals .
18 Oh it 's Pam that makes them the bother , not anybody else .
19 From the committed runner to the occasional jogger , there 's a Mizuno running shoe to suit all abilities that gives everybody the benefit of Mizuno Transpower — a remarkable energy conversion system that absorbs damaging shock and produces extra forward movement .
20 For some , in fact , this meeting may be the only evening out they have during the month ; and it is often the encouragement and moral support they get from the group that gives them the resolve to come at all .
21 And it is the freak subversive genius of this record that makes them the single most important rock band of our time .
22 WHAT is that special quality in a wine that makes it an award winner ?
23 Acting , he told me , was ‘ a wonderful job that gives me the opportunity to drink with some really good friends in exotic places around the world ’ .
24 People , for reasons best known to themselves , regularly push wardrobes or pull pianos up the motorway that calls itself the tourist path .
25 It 's the mountain water that gives it the taste .
26 And do you normally buy the software from the same person that sells you the computer ?
27 I intended at first only to teach her needlework to qualify her for a genteel position , for you see she has a delicacy in her person that makes it a pity ever to put her to hard work , but she masters everything so fast that now I am desirous to have to divert and entertain me in my thoughtful hours .
28 It 's normally the person that needs it the most actually is n't it , but what else ?
29 ‘ You ca n't see the pinkish glow that tells you the fire is ready , ’ Lucy said in agreement .
30 The kind of name that saves me a lot of typing .
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