Example sentences of "[noun] that [pron] had [adv] " in BNC.

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1 From over George 's shoulder stared the portrait of a general whose handling of an attack in the South African war had caused so many casualties to his own brigade that he had immediately been promoted away to see if he could do the same thing with divisions and corps .
2 That night she was woken by the most terrible screams that she had ever heard .
3 Harold MacMillan , Prime Minister , might still be saying to the electorate that they had never had it so good — which was true in terms of the change-round from post-war reconstruction , wartime destruction , and the days of depression ; but to someone of Leonard 's background , from Canada , the place was a bore .
4 But as he left , Billy Ray , 31 , indicated to fans that he had only two finger-lickin' minutes to spare .
5 Service of documents Lex Service plc v Johns ; CA ( Glidewell , Balcombe LJJ ) ; 22 Aug 1989 The evidence of the defendant that he had not received documents sent by a recorded delivery service and apparently received by some other person was not contrary evidence for the purpose of contradicting the statutory provision for deemed service under s 7 of the Interpretation Act 1978 .
6 In Washington he is considered an ineffective legislator and not a nice man ( his latest scrape involved the allegation that he had sexually harassed a Peace Corps worker while on a jaunt to Africa ) .
7 ‘ People always want to see how the Führer looks , whether he is serious or laughing , ’ and had expressed disappointment that they had not even heard his voice for a long time in the newsreels , for , as one report put it , ‘ the words of the Führer are gospel for the people ’ .
8 By the second year there was considerable disappointment that they had not developed the purchasing role as far as they had hoped .
9 Staring at him , into blue , blue eyes that she had once found so attractive , she shook her head tiredly .
10 Despite Schlesinger 's claims that ‘ there was n't anything in the movie that I had n't seen in some way somewhere ’ and ‘ one was always confronted by something worse on the streets than one was putting into the film ’ , they were attention-getting elements , unabsorbed into the texture of the film .
11 According to a radio commentary on Aug. 7 , there were complaints from the opposition that they had not had enough time to campaign effectively , and instances were cited of bullying by MPRP election supervisors .
12 It had just crossed my mind that I had not had my boots off since the evening of the 4th June and it was now 8th June .
13 No that stuff you know that in the green tin that we had before will do .
14 In September 1989 Chadli announced the postponement of local elections , originally scheduled for December , following complaints from the opposition parties that they had not had enough time to prepare for them .
15 Yet some of the people concerned would be people I was at school with ; and in any case it would cal 1 upon questions and allegiances that I had continuously pushed into the rear recesses of my mind .
16 If the Government adhere to their position , the decision on the bids would be taken not after due consideration and detailed examination but at the outset by telling one bid that it had not been selected to receive the £48,750 assistance .
17 All of this was already mapped out in a very decent and proper piece of research that I had just written up .
18 Well he does n't know where I live at the but it came up in court that he was going to take me to court for access , making it out as though it was my fault that he had n't seen Ricky , I was stopping him from seeing Ricky when it 's his own fault .
19 Callaghan told Joel Barnett that he had never felt so depressed , and the news spread .
20 The smell of freshly-fried falafels hung on the air , reminding Huy that he had not yet breakfasted .
21 He handed her a hamburger but made no indication that he had ever met Martin .
22 Later that afternoon Mr Brownlow wanted to return some books to a bookseller , and to send some money for new books that he had already collected .
23 In the late 1980s , the Japanese , with their own US plants producing so many cars that they had little need to import more , and with voluntary quotas unfilled , decided to reclassify light commercial vehicles as cars .
24 This was a very great help to me , because I was able to learn the meaning of many words that I had not been able to understand before .
25 Cissie had a love of reading , especially since Beth had helped her to master the longer words that she had never really understood .
26 All the loving and giving of small luxuries and necessities that she had not thought of herself , and the expected regularity of their attendance at those sumptuous Sunday luncheons , encroached dangerously on the precious isolation of life at Kileady .
27 So she dashed off to her room and came back with a piece of underwear that I had certainly never seen before .
28 One of the speakers , Dr Margaret Collinson , wrote to Roy on 17 September to the effect that she had n't been told the venue , date or time of her paper .
29 Takeshita appeared before the budget committee on Nov. 26 and gave two hours of sworn testimony to the effect that he had not had any dealings with organized crime .
30 And the context in which this was er argued er was er the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba , a C I A American supported invasion , er which er failed very badly but which certainly indicated the American desire to get rid of Castro and er Khrushchev was asserting in effect that he had as much right to defend an ally as the United States had er to defend erm its allies and in the same sort of way .
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