Example sentences of "[noun] that [verb] [adj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Fur , which relies on trapped air for insulating efficiency , can not be effective in animals that spend all their lives in water , and rapidly loses effectiveness by compression in those that dive deep .
2 I have one in the bathroom for dirty washing , which doubles as a seat ; I have one in my bedroom for ironing and one in the other bedroom that holds all my sewing materials .
3 But a sleek sailing boat that spends all its time in harbour is no use to anyone .
4 And I found that in some respects that became negative you know … in some ways that also screwed the lesson
5 But faith , it would say , is a deliberate defiance of what reason says , a leap into the dark that accepts that which it claims is ‘ absurd ’ or ‘ paradoxical ’ .
6 Both his sisters kissed him — another first — and Kitty had to have her hand prised out of his before Charlie was able to pick up the brown paper parcel that contained all his worldly goods .
7 Yes of course that solves that one .
8 Above all , it must be a national curriculum that gives all our children a guaranteed entitlement to higher standards in education .
9 Imagine , then , if you can , the dark emotions that fill those whose bodies have been the subject of sexual abuse .
10 This statement is not expanded to discuss the conflicting duties that face those who serve children — duties to the parents , duties to the school , and so on — but it is a good beginning .
11 I 've got another girl that does all my buying
12 ‘ Oh , you do n't count , ’ Belinda responded frankly , enjoying the shout of laughter that sprang ot his lips .
13 Her humour is a weapon that has pole-vaulted her out of the solid folk-roots category , an alternative scene that would have kept her firmly away from the mainstream .
14 There are some things that hold true whatever you do .
15 Up until then I had seldom visited a doctor and prided myself that most things that went wrong I could put right myself .
16 If we say that they do have something in common with other things that look white we must remember that their having something in common simply is their looking white .
17 Lisa was vaguely aware of a wide-eyed Josey hurrying down the path , heading for her own house , but it was the tall figure in the grey suit that commanded all her attention .
18 The main theme of the film seems to be that since Christ was meant to be truly human , it is not unreasonable to portray him as subject to the same faults that bedevil all our lives .
19 However , the report fails to convey any sense of the complexity and lacunae of research findings and of the difficulties that await those who avail themselves uncritically of them .
20 At present it is relatively unspoilt with only small scale commercial exploitation ( a youth hostel , a mountaineering hut and a campsite ) , giving it a unique character that attracts those who prefer to visit less developed locations on holiday .
21 I thought back to something Barbara had said not long before , that John had been the glue that bonded all his friends together , the magnet which drew everyone closer .
22 We are a registered charity that devotes ALL its time and resources toward the conservation and protection of every known species of whale and dolphin .
23 In one unique fish , the imperial angelfish , the juveniles are covered in white lines that curve round in a special pattern that centres all one 's attention on the tail end .
24 Open/36 is designed to enable System/36 users to move their applications , without recompilation to Sparc systems , while giving them a complete System/36 environment that includes all their familiar tools .
25 The shadows took on forms and approached him , wreathed in the phantom smoke that matched that which had taken them from his life .
26 And then these people that do this they do n't they ?
27 The scene was frantic : a sea of members but precious few stage-divers ( these guys like to keep their distance ) , simply ridiculous volume levels that make sure you only concentrated on the music , lovely melodies , and people getting away from the pressures of daily life in a northern town .
28 There was a warmth about Sally that superseded all her amusing little vanities and softened the acid remarks she was prone to making — which were in reality a defence mechanism .
29 Yes , there have been some very vigorous objections made by local residents , and that is particularly why the application that preceded this one was refused planning permission because er the objections they made were considered to be well founded by the Planning Committee and supported many of their views .
30 It was Franklin Roosevelt 's extraordinary skill as a communicator that made possible his legendary success ; he campaigned superbly , handled the press deftly and brilliantly exploited the new medium of radio .
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