Example sentences of "[noun] i [be] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I hoping that some serious pound notes come after this fight I 'm getting despondent . ’
2 I happened to have with me the journal of Dorothy Wordsworth on my trip to the Dales as I had forgotten to return it to the public library , and you have my word that I dropped it the instant I was made aware that they were harbouring a drug addict .
3 Two years later when I was sixty and four months I was made redundant quite happy .
4 Now just to complicate the issue who probably probably is the oldest person in the village I 'm note sure , erm has brought another name to my attention .
5 I suddenly wanted to see the work I was doing laid out in front of me .
6 I was still doubtful , but Suzy said she thought the work I was doing fitted this description perfectly and encouraged me to apply .
7 Then I could show the Star Council I was doing important work .
8 At home I was thought ugly .
9 I was never a child I was born bald .
10 ‘ Well , I have a degree , but I have no idea what career I want , if any , and for the moment I 'm taking undemanding jobs and writing poetry . ’
11 ‘ I do n't know what sort of a game you 're playing here but unless you tell me exactly why you 've had me drive all the way down to this God-forsaken place I 'm going straight back through that door ! ’
12 Over the years I was to meet Irish women who , unable to stand the barrages of racism , distorted and changed their accents in order to pass .
13 Also — and I 'm quite prepared to admit this — because of all the problems I was having trying to find work , just at that moment I really did n't want the bother of hunting for a new home .
14 And there were so many new pressures — the long hours you worked , the way your parents disapproved of me , the problems I was having trying to get my own career off the ground .
15 One night I was working late and I started to need to jerk off .
16 Having no real computing knowledge I am finding Practical PC an altogether most excellent monthly .
17 Sixteen , I 'll be seventeen this year , oh god I 'm getting old
18 In Stepney 40 per cent of the parishioners were Jews , and almost in the first week I was to become aware of something new , when the rector , Bertram Simpson , later Bishop of Southwark , suddenly said to me , ‘ Tomorrow is the Day of Atonement .
19 After my experience with the Apricot Sunsets I was playing safe with my digestion for a while .
20 By the next morning I was feeling sick with worry , and so we decided to drive to Scotland to collect Eva ourselves . ’
21 I could also see the colour of paint I was using due to the pearly-white bristles .
22 Every time I took a big breath I were getting short pains all down this side ?
23 God I 'm having drunken fits already and there 's still 4 months to go .
24 When Matt married Inez I was left high and dry .
25 For the first time in my life I was made conscious of not being able to control my own situation .
26 The show was given before an invited audience of some 1,200 music fans each week , and as a visiting newspaperman I was afforded special treatment .
27 He went over to the window of the post-operation side-ward I was occupying alone and stood looking out for a while , then he turned and said , ‘ Something awful happened yesterday . ’
28 On retirement from the Army & Navy Stores I was appointed managing director of Hatchards , Piccadilly , and Miss Riley came as my secretary and continued there in a full or part time capacity for many years .
29 ‘ For a new show I 'm doing called Rex Mundi 's Big Night Out .
30 ‘ To tell you the truth , towards the end I was getting bored stiff because there was no help for the elderly . ’
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