Example sentences of "[noun] i [verb] and i " in BNC.

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1 Yes she come yesterday afternoon I sat and I says I 'll have a go , I says then I had flu did n't I ?
2 I remember before that the wind changed pretty suddenly from southwest to nearer west I think and I 'd made a new hen house I thought indestructible .
3 Then I tried swimming , but what with the current and the fucking cassock — and then bang I got hit in the ribs like someone had kicked me and I thought I was a goner , it must be a rock I thought and I gave up and sort of passed out .
4 You 're a very busy lady I know and I also believe that your area 's got some fantastic ideas for the seventy fifth , something to do with a special cake recipe .
5 I said that 's business I said and I 'm afraid we ca n't carry on like that .
6 Well Kate what a night I spent and I must have phoned
7 Well , two or three years ago , I said to really mad , there 's me working full time , him on shifts and me Monday to Friday , nine till five , come Friday night I start and I spend the entire weekend washing , ironing , cooking , and
8 Still , I 'll vote for them all the same , it 's the devil I know and I know them both .
9 At the time I had few qualms and found the role-playing exciting ; today I feel I was condescending to the people I deceived and I would not do it again .
10 Some are some are promoted to head teachers I know and I knew you were going to say that .
11 ‘ I was happy with the way I played and I do n't think there was much more I could have done , but my second serve was not good enough .
12 I ca n't agree a solution with our officers that is acceptable to the residents I represent and I put it to this council to try and get something done about it and all I get from the chairman of the committee is the officer 's comments pushed back down my throat .
13 And I said then I go to the surgery I said and I do n't go in the lounge do I ?
14 for what we were doing so when I got back to the office I rung and I tempor well provisionally booked this , the smallest of the two which I think will be brill .
15 Just toss one of those at me any time I snore and I 'll turn on my side and shut up .
16 The shift was in fact half over by the time I started and I was n't really able to do much of any value .
17 I 've got the finance I need and I may have found premises . ’
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