Example sentences of "[noun] for a [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I have been at ITN for a long time and come from a traditional news background .
2 Now he has called on British Rail for a second time to step up safety and end the easy access to the East Coast main line .
3 ‘ Sir , we have been seeking his permission for a long time ; he will not give it .
4 Their new gas plants will not be on stream for several years ; they need a secure , well-priced coal contract for a long time to come .
5 It is also our intention — this differs from what has been the case for a long time — that they will be fully manned units .
6 The best hope is that the effect of the recession on pay bargaining coupled with prudent fiscal management can preserve the competitive advantage for a considerable time .
7 The best hope is that the effect of the recession on pay bargaining coupled with prudent fiscal management can preserve the competitive advantage for a considerable time .
8 He had n't had a clothing parcel for a long time .
9 I left my sack for a third time clipped to Sal and relished the cool caress of wind around my back as I finally found out how to enjoy myself on the steep granite of the ridge .
10 A wall that has been damp will often contain moisture for a long time after the cause has been remedied , so it is better to allow the walls to dry out naturally , although anti-damp paint could be used to allow the room to be decorated before the wall has dried out .
11 A T E , A T R at the university and just , the block , the side of the university , she had her apartment for a little time .
12 Although the London Borough of Southwark agreed to maintain the level of funding to some of the projects for a short time after the demise of the I. L. E. A. , that support can no longer be guaranteed .
13 To improve , she attended an art class in Sheffield for a short time .
14 They must know it 's been going on at domestic and international level for a long time .
15 When the anxiety upper limit is reached it will remain at this level for a certain time .
16 Erm right the open show fifty nine ninety five for the hire of the hall , much the same as last year , it 's keeping pretty well down er , it 's , we paid fifty three eighty last year , but I think because little bit for a longer time this year .
17 May the Town Crier remain in the very capable hands of the college students and lecturers for a long time to come .
18 They are generally operated on a fixed cycle , so that , when a known volume of water has passed through the plant , a valve is turned so as first to backwash the bed to cleanse the zeolite , and then to pass in brine for a fixed time to regenerate the material .
19 We discuss the abortion struggle for a long time .
20 Been my major struggle for a long time now .
21 When the elder Civizade , by now Rumeli kazasker for a second time , died in 954/1547 , the younger was given a pension of 45 akce a day .
22 Before the programme is finally adopted it has to be referred back to the European Parliament for a second time .
23 Newport Borough Council is close to withdrawing its Private Usk Barrage Bill from Parliament for a second time .
24 But his parents ' place in Hemlock Road was their base for a long time .
25 We had a stable rate base for a long time and we saw no reason to doubt that there was anything untoward in the ratings that had been made within our borough .
26 The former sprint champion , who built a career on the use of illegal substances , did not take part in the meeting , of course , after he was caught taking the tablets for a second time .
27 And it 's been on my heart for a long time to save .
29 We 're gon na , we 're gon na stay on this issue of ownership and surpluses for a little time , cos it 's actually so important , but it 's not unreasonable for your pensioners to think that here was this pot of money to which one could dip into , but the only thing is the pot of money disappeared did n't it ?
30 He was tempted to go in and get it over , but he had been away from his temporary headquarters for a long time and he did not even know if the body had bean recovered successfully .
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