Example sentences of "[noun] for [noun] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It seems after he decided to pull me off , he looked back and decided on different reasons for things over the years to stir up our relationship . ’
2 Audrey Hamilton , 35 , of Barnett Crescent , Kirkcaldy , and John Watson , of Simpson Court , Crail , each sued Fife Health Board for £20,000 over the death of their son , David , in 1976 .
3 Audrey Hamilton , 35 , of Barnett Crescent , Kirkcaldy , and John Watson , of Simpson Court , Crail , each sued Fife Health Board for £20,000 over the death of their son , David , in 1976 .
4 The major bloc-based classification reflects the economic , political and cultural-ideological struggle between capitalism and communism for control over the global system .
5 Italian firm Same-Lamborghini has done its bit for variety over the years , with a series of innovations that suggest that its research and development department gets a bigger budget than many other companies ' equivalents .
6 If executive-assembly relations are seen as basically a struggle for influence over the policy-making process , what are the weapons available to each side in the struggle ?
7 The struggle for control over the Baltic republics is rapidly being overtaken by a bigger struggle for power in the Soviet Union .
8 The guard was removed on the following day , but the incident exemplified the renewed struggle for control over the influential liberal daily newspaper .
9 The report continues with a list of cases in which disputes over fixtures in listed building led to a public enquiry , a court case , or both and concludes with a section entitled ‘ How to make the legislation more effective ’ , which provides advice to owners , information on Stop Notices and calls for control over the sale of fixtures .
10 Although promotion slipped from our grasp early on , our fight for survival over the last seven months has been real nail-biting stuff .
11 Mr Grant said that his association and its members had contributed quite a lot of money for advice over a number of years .
12 A few years earlier a friend and fellow member of Brooks 's , Cyril Salmon , a former Lord Justice of Appeal , had put my name down for election to the Seniors Golfing Society , an English-based club for golfers over the age of fifty-five who met from time to time at a variety of attractive courses .
13 They were also , however , profoundly suspicious of proposals for state welfare , which they identified as a means of diminishing working-class control over their own lives and as palliative substitutes for the workers ' just demands for control over the means of production , high wages and full employment .
14 Officers at Darlington Borough Council say the gloves are off in the battle for compensation over the town 's £12m Dolphin Centre sports complex .
15 Both the statement and financial figures are expected to relate to a plan for development over a period of 3–4 years .
16 The danger of contamination through the use of shared bar soap , the need for improved skin care , when washing is frequent , and the requirement for control over the bacterial skin flora has led to the development of a range of more sophisticated products .
17 Univariate tests and multiple regression analysis were used to assess the influence of anatomic localisation of disease , sex , overall gastrointestinal symptom severity ( as defined in Table II ) , and surgical intervention on the change in SDS for height over the total period of follow up .
18 It is clear from data on occupations drawn from the decennial censuses that retirement for men over the age of 65 was increasing from 1881 , almost thirty years before the introduction of a state pension ; and modern evidence from the United States gives good grounds for believing that , in some circumstances at least , changes in retirement age over time represent a supply-side factor , with people choosing retirement before they become incapable of work .
19 Some 75 per cent of Perkins ' UK production is shipped overseas , and the company has picked up four Queen 's Awards for export over the past few years .
20 Here , then , a connection is being made between organization power structures and the needs of dominant social classes for control over the workplace .
21 A third set of dilemmas revolves around the question of how greater consumer choice can be reconciled with the need for controls over the total growth of services to prevent an expenditure explosion .
22 Political conflicts normally took the form of struggles between parties or individuals for influence over the ruler , struggles in which the victor secured the all-important privilege of easy access to him and in which the vanquished were dismissed , disgraced or exiled .
23 The small resort village of Fluelen at the end of the lake was for centuries an important lake port and customs station where goods were trans-shipped from the lake to mule transport for carriage over the Gotthard .
24 ‘ Enterprise democracy ’ , as the decentralised aspect of the socialist control over production by the associated producers , will never be realised unless workers begin to struggle under capitalism for control over the policy and operations of enterprises , and this means exploiting rather than rejecting outright the kind of ‘ Industrial Democracy ’ proposals raised by the Bullock Commission , and more recently by the EEC .
25 Fish , which in the cold European waters are sluggish and easily caught , often provide the staple for mink over the winter .
26 The implication is that Saruman has been led from ethically neutral researches into the kind of wanton pollution and love of dirt we see in ‘ The Scouring of the Shire ’ by something corrupting in the love of machines or in the very desire for control over the natural world .
27 There is room for argument over the degree of monopolistic competition which is acceptable , but there is no serious challenge to the view that a substantial measure of concentration is a necessary feature of large areas of industry mainly because of the needs of technology and marketing .
28 Cenco settled with its investors for $11m over the affair , and then issued a writ against its auditor , Seidman & Seidman .
29 Jamie 's father is helping to organise a protest group , which may yet take Thames Water to court for damages over the cryptosporidia contamination .
30 The idea of an evening get-together for clients over a couple of drinks in the Branch is obviously a non-Banker concept .
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