Example sentences of "[noun] was [vb pp] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This seemingly irreconcilable impasse was resolved by President Carter and his staff who encouraged both sides to take the risk of thinking more critically and creatively about solving their joint problems , along the following lines .
2 Initially the gall bladder was opacified with contrast ( half strength Conray 280 ) injected through a 22 G spinal needle introduced into the gall bladder under ultrasound guidance .
3 We have , therefore , chosen a control group , which comprised patients with normal liver function tests and in whom the gall bladder was removed during liver resection .
4 A culture of gentility and manners was based on profit from rent and colonial investments .
5 Each wheel was made in sections and assembled at the mill , paddles made of wood being retained .
6 It was proposed initially to carry out the project in the London Borough of Southwark since part of the borough was served by Guy 's Hospital and also in the London Borough of Barnet ( since it had a consultant psychogeriatrician who had recently moved there from Guy 's Hospital ) .
7 He was MP for Downton from 1831 to 1832 , but the borough was destined for abolition in the Reform Act of 1832 .
8 The earlier approach is in some ways simpler , in that one can tell precisely what was and what was not a borough , because a borough was created by charter in a formal legal act .
9 His concern for religion was shown by service on the commission for the propagation of the gospel in Wales ( where he became a JP ) and by his part in petitions for toleration , which no doubt reinforced contacts with Oliver Cromwell .
10 Although the commitment to religion was stressed from time to time , often in response to the charge of militarism , the CLB always seemed to emphasize matters of social discipline and conformity .
11 The BDDA again proved its usefulness when in 1931 insurance against third party risks was made by law compulsory for motorists .
12 Thus the decorative sumptuousness of the no longer oppositional , visual arts was matched by monumentalism , baroque self-indulgence , and primacy of symbol over function in Vienna 's built environment .
13 At the same time , funding from the New York State Council for the Arts was reduced by 56% .
14 CD saw the tower of the Papal Palace at Avignon where Rienzi was imprisoned by Pope Clement VI in 1352 , when he was tried by the Inquisition .
15 A second plugged liver biopsy was performed with ultrasound guidance to assess necrosis .
16 Sigmoidoscopy and rectal biopsy was performed at entry , day 14 , and day 28 .
17 A new world record for a twentieth-century photograph at auction was achieved at Christie 's London on 29 October when Alexander Rodchenko 's quintessential Constructivist photograph , ‘ Girl with Leica ’ ( lot 118 ) made £105,000 ( $163,305 ) against an estimate of £12,000–16,000 .
18 The auction was conducted by Harry Phillips , auctioneer of New Bond Street , in July and August 1859 and raised some £95,000 in eighteen days : four pictures were bought by the National Gallery , and others by collectors of the calibre of William Douglas , eleventh Duke of Hamilton , Walter Scott , fifth Duke of Buccleuch [ qq.v. ] , the fourth Marquess of Hertford , and Baron James de Rothschild .
19 The first auction was held on Jan. 26 and was hailed as a great success .
20 His purchase of Kidder Peabody soured when the New York investment bank 's top deal-maker was jailed for insider trading .
21 Q My 15-month-old Belgian Shepherd was put on Hills Science Prescription Diet owing to crystals in his urine .
22 The disappointment was flushed on Poshekhonov 's face .
23 On his return to the Works , the horseman was challenged by Mason , as to the reason the horses were tethered in this location , ‘ I was took short sir ’ he said ‘ Oh ’ , replied Mason : ‘ It looked as though you were thirsty ! ! — do n't let it happen again' .
24 In order to store the increased amount of scenery and wardrobe , he bought new premises at Heald Grove , Rusholme , and his daughter Nellie was put in charge .
25 This association was confirmed by analysis of early first-century BC Greek coins ( fig. 5.5 ) from the region ; some of these coins proved to be made of brass typical of the cementation process and they thus pre-date Roman use of the alloy .
26 The flamboyant past owner of the now defunct Vernon Savings and Loan Association was charged with conspiracy to finance a $1m beach house in southern California by diverting a loan made to a developer buddy in Texas .
27 A volume rich in provenances of Scottish association was presented by Mr Peter Eaton : a copy of A Rationale upon the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England ( London , 1661 ) .
28 In January 1987 a branch of the Young Women 's Association was formed with Mrs Averil Capper as president , Mrs Norma Burke as vice-president , Mrs Sylvia Courtney as secretary and Mrs Gale Davison as treasurer .
29 The Arts Development Association was formed in April 1990 to promote and develop the arts .
30 ‘ Our Association was formed in November 1981 when a group of concerned people got together at a public meeting in Llandrindod Wells .
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