Example sentences of "[noun] was [adv] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 If Gharr was there for any reason to do with me , I 'd have to wait and find out .
2 ‘ I thought the result was never in any danger .
3 Southport 's reply was never in any trouble and Swift ( 28no ) and Butler ( 70no ) were able to score at will .
4 The impact angle was very shallow and the aircraft was apparently under some control as it settled only three feet over a horizontal distance of 420 feet .
5 No mention was made of my helping with the editing , and when I enquired , I was told the programme was nowhere near that stage yet ; in fact , the producer had not yet had time to listen to the — what must be by now — at least four hours of tape .
6 The talk was even between all four of them — neither man wanting the women to leave for a moment and both women , though diffident to start with , more than capable of taking a full part in the ‘ manly ’ subjects of politics and warfare and the economy of the country which George and John-Augustus batted about , rather sweepingly .
7 And if Andrew 's approach was humorous and satirical can we afford to believe that the " new concept " of love in adultery was ever at any time seriously advocated ?
8 Courtney was never in any trouble .
9 What harm was there in this strange delightful , mind-bending relationship ?
10 The essence was there in all its hideous implication .
11 Work was all about those three , the exhaustion and boredom of work , the fear of losing it , the meagreness of its rewards .
12 But management still lay , in Britain , more with LEAs than with heads or governors because in schools — primary , secondary or special — daily management was still at some distance from the control of finance , from the decision about a school 's total allocation of teaching staff , from the establishment of policies and schemes of priority in the school 's curriculum and organization and from the presentation of the whole picture of aims , methods and performance to parents and to other members of the local community .
13 The situation for chiropody at home was mid-way between that for the receipt of home help and GP visits , with the ratio for elderly men living alone being 2.7 times higher than for elderly married men .
14 Not even a special building was required , for since the Master was , as required by the will , a priest in Holy Orders singing masses for his patron at an altar in the Parish Church , it is entirely conceivable that the School 's first home was somewhere in that Church .
15 Constance had reassured them , or so she hoped : she had tried to alleviate their suspicions by explaining that Barbs was just like that .
16 The war was definitely in this direction .
17 Worse than that the home team was behind in all but three of the matches on the course when a dramatic change in fortune occurred which completely transformed the match .
18 The place was just like any ale-house or tavern in Southwark with its dirt-beaten floor and ramshackle tables , filled with traders and peasants eager to spend the profits of market day .
19 And then er I said well th this place was never like this when old was here and , and Dee said no it damned well was n't .
20 He stopped for a moment , the crumpled sheet of prescription pad on his knee , and wondered whether Donald was really worth all this effort .
21 The Harbour Bookshop was also among those who commented on increased competition from ‘ non-traditional ’ outlets .
22 This distribution was much like that of the 1880s : the reliance on the counties , the growth of suburban strength , and the lack of strong local roots in the industrial areas were all traditional features .
23 Matilda was both of these things , but above all she was brilliant .
24 ‘ The danger was there for all to see , but we failed to heed the warning , ’ he groaned .
25 The overwhelming need was just for more films and so nobody really worried if there were a few strange films somewhere along the spectrum and similarly , as there was a need for lots of directors and cameramen , there was no harm in making films which allowed them to gain experience .
26 But this premise was there at that time and by oh I had to go to a great extent on a number of visits and they er granted it me on compassionate grounds and there 's er I was only looking in the back of there the other day and there 's one there now .
27 Of Norman Broadbent 's City assignments 21% were for jobs paying over £100000 , and 14% of their industry business was also at this level .
28 My hon. Friend was certainly of that mind .
29 Strewth , Biggles was never like this !
30 Seb thought that if Anna was anywhere within this part of the forest she could not fail to hear the searchers .
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