Example sentences of "[noun] was the [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 Religion was the base for the principles of society and they are all for the good and well being of society .
2 They were well placed to exert political pressure , for in 1753 Captain Robert Cunningham was the candidate for the parliamentary seat for this district , avowedly standing as a friend of the Duke of Argyll .
3 Dingwall was the start for the journey into ‘ the great western wilderness ’ .
4 A corollary of baptismal regeneration was the need for the death-bed conversion of poor children , who had been left in ignorance of the truths of religion .
5 Thus the generation of the framework of British child welfare legislation never derived simply from the interests of the child ; instead the dominant force was the need for social regulation .
6 The only significant political grouping excluded from the new ruling coalition was the Party for Peace and Democracy ( PPD ) , led by Kim Dae Jung , which drew its support mainly from Cholla province and the city of Kwangju , in the comparatively underdeveloped south-west of the country .
7 The exploitation of fur-bearing animals was the incentive for much of the early exploration of North America .
8 Lansdowne Road has seen some famous victories this year and the Dublin Sports & social Committee was not to be outdone as Lansdowne Football Club was the venue for its latest undertaking .
9 South Wales , the principal supplier of paper for London newspapers and magazines , was part of the GWR empire and so Paddington was the destination for that bulk cargo , an average of 623 reels of paper arriving daily .
10 But I did know that Gyggle was the shrink for me the minute I saw him .
11 As governor , Somes was the figurehead for an aggressive and ruthless campaign aimed at securing government recognition for the New Zealand Company .
12 In this case , the significant element in the revolutionaries ' programme was the demand for the distribution of noble land to the peasantry and the destruction of all feudal fetters .
13 The United States was the scene for their stickiest and smelliest adventure .
14 The United States was the scene for their stickiest and smelliest adventure .
15 Sandown in Surrey was the venue for the two new Red rock ads that are part of a new £2 million Taunton campaign .
16 GAZZA was the excuse for an April Fool 's joke that backfired on Radio Nottingham this week .
17 They were art students at the time when art college was the bolthole for all the drug-deranged bongo bashers , paint flingers , crappy experimental film-makers and fanny dancers who thought being a student was a great doss but they were f—ed if they were going to read any books .
18 The tallest , heaviest boys were in the A group ; the next size down was B and so on until F. F was the group for the real tinies , the handful of Alec Davidsons who were mostly in first year .
19 Good Friday was the day for a special trek to collect hot cross buns from favoured bakers and this custom has survived within the writer 's knowledge , with a trip from Saltash to collect the buns from Kelly Bray , ( but by car , not on foot as formerly ) .
20 Imported raw cotton was the basis for the emergence of the most dynamic of the " new " manufactures , but as late as 1776 Adam Smith omitted cotton goods from his argument for a sustained expansion and downward spread of consumption of non-essentials over the " course of the present century " , and still found examples enough for his purpose .
21 One focus within the countryside lobby was the agitation for a green belt around London .
22 His most recent film work was the script for ROBIN HOOD ( starring Patrick Bergin ) which Working Title produced for Twentieth Century Fox .
23 Architecture was the medium for the understanding of the environment .
24 I 'm not sure whether the change in areas was the reason for the last flurry or whether they had just been triggered by instinct and gone on the feed .
25 That answer demonstrates just how hollow was the vote for the right hon. Gentleman last Thursday night .
26 Southeast England was the subject for a monograph of monumental significance ( Wooldridge and Linton , 1939 ) and the sequence of landscape evolution deduced for this area came to have repercussions throughout subsequent research .
27 Worcester was the site for the first and last of the Civil War battles and today it calls itself ‘ the Civil War City ’ .
28 The business plan was the vehicle for communicating the strategic necessity for rationalization and work reorganization to the workforce while the participative job evaluation process maximized employee commitment to this strategic goal .
29 The business plan was the basis for discussion with the unions on changes in job numbers and job design .
30 Bracing was the word for the English seaside , Auguste had decided .
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