Example sentences of "[noun] was [adv] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 His separation of science and religion was more accurately a differentiation in which theological arguments played a prominent role .
2 For Gertrude Jekyll the arts and crafts creed of unity of the arts was not just an artistic concept but fundamental to her special art and skills in home-making which she passed on to Lutyens , inspiring him to build not just houses but homes .
3 The communist party in Nizan 's eyes was not simply a refuge from oppression .
4 In Glasgow fighting between fans was not just a matter for juveniles .
5 As far as the State Department was concerned , Aoun was now clearly an obstacle to a satisfactory peace settlement in Lebanon — satisfactory , that is , to the United States , Israel and Syria .
6 The Coalition was not really a confluence of parties .
7 And probably the most important factor of all , until the beginning of March 1982 ( the Argentine invasion of the islands took place on 2 April ) , the Falklands was very much a ‘ backburner ’ issue compared to the EEC budget , the Middle East , pressure on defence-spending , the NATO decision to deploy cruise missiles , and a host of other apparently more pressing concerns , as the Franks Report makes clear :
8 Eleanor was mainly just a red herring , he decided .
9 Simply in terms of sentiment , the Edwardian war had left the papacy seriously undermined in England ; but the loss was not only a matter of ideas and emotions .
10 While Tikhii said that the effect of radiation on animals was not necessarily an indication of the likely effects on humans , he claimed that the results warranted detailed investigation .
11 If in order to get to the root of it Eliot consulted a Viennese expert , the result was not evidently a cure , because I believe he suffered from it all his life : but the consultation , if that was what it was , may have benefited him by disclosure — ‘ the luxury of an intimate disclosure to a stranger ’ .
12 The result was not merely a blurring but a confusion , of normal factional loyalties .
13 The result was not only an increase in real wages but also a higher rate of inflation .
14 The market signals proved totally wrong as Dead Certain drifted out ominously in the betting and Chimes Of Freedom was backed as if defeat was not even a remote possibility .
15 The example gives a glimpse too of the intricacies of scheduling and of the competition for audiences even when revenue was not directly a factor .
16 In addition , Humphrys seems to have had some difficulty in adjusting to the fact that Afghanistan was no longer a dependency of British India .
17 Miguel Rafaelo was now only a colleague in an emergency .
18 If the flavour of his text so far is to be believed , Bozzy was as much a soldiering man as Coleridge , which is saying less than very little .
19 Now Prince Richard was no longer an imaginary distant idol and Victoria felt offended by Suzie 's sudden fawning fascination .
20 Royal taxation of the clergy was no longer a matter of law but of pragmatic politics , no more of meticulous definition but of the balance of pressures .
21 The beginning of civilisation was almost certainly a mental development which came long before it affected man 's physical abilities , and it could well have been the moment when for the first time , a primitive creature found that he could override and control the instinctive urge to act , which up to that time would have been the only source of motivation .
22 The fact that everything relating to my loss was scribbled in children 's school jotters with cartoon covers was not exactly a boost to my confidence .
23 In his theology , however , Hooker was not simply a traditionalist ; although he stood within the mainstream of the Calvinist consensus on the issue of predestination , he challenged many of the assumptions held by both credal and experimental Calvinists .
24 I could feel that the problem with David was very much a tremendous lack of application .
25 That was why the launderette was so evidently a good investment .
26 Yet it was clear that Branson was not properly a creature of the industry in the manner of his contemporaries .
27 This latter piece was very much a response to Roy Hattersley 's article , ‘ Let's Pretend Politics ’ ( The Listener , 23 June 1988 ) which had totally denounced the programme 's politics as ‘ fantasy as distinct from political thought ’ .
28 That car was very nearly a Lotus Elan , destined to be driven by Emma Peel in The Avengers .
29 and Alan 's light was on in the hall , call it the hall and the car was there well a little while later he went .
30 Like getting wrapped up in the Masai , getting wrapped up in Indirect Rule was not inherently a passive occupation ; it seems in retrospect extraordinary that something to which so much energy was in fact devoted should ever have been perceived as a sign of imperial decrepitude .
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