Example sentences of "[noun] is that [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 For example , under the Land Compensation Act 1973 property owners are entitled to compensation for depreciation in the value of their land caused by such things as noise , vibration , smells , and fumes , resulting from public works , The underlying reasoning is that since the public is presumed to benefit greatly from the building of a motorway ( for example ) , private citizens who suffer as a result of its construction should not have to bear their loss for the sake of that wider public interest .
2 As regards the patient already dead , the reasoning is that although the patient displays outward manifestations of life , in that , by virtue of the ventilator , breathing and heartbeat are maintained , these manifestations are mechanically induced and are not sustained nor will ever again be sustainable by the patient .
3 The net result is that once the protons have overcome the initial fusion hurdle they are converted to 4 He , radiating energy in the process .
4 The price you paid was fair enough , but the net result is that if the business fails now it 's you who 'll stand the loss . ’
5 A belief held by a number of software designers is that if the software is properly designed then there should be no need for an emulator ; it should work first time .
6 The basic rule is that if the second syllable of the verb contains a long vowel or diphthong , or if it ends with more than one consonant , that second syllable is stressed .
7 The effect is that if the selectee possesses only those traits which are predictable from the selector , then the combination is pleonastic : ?
8 The effect is that if the customer does n't show up , the VAT already paid to the Customs and Excise can not be reclaimed .
9 Is the Minister aware that feeling within the industry and the related sales industry is that if the VAT gap between this country and Ireland and between this country and France is not narrowed significantly we could lose a considerable part of our breeding industry and our entire sales industry , which are the most prestigious in the world ?
10 My main fear is that once the initial publicity for this has died down , that the Health Authority may attempt to have some sort of behind closed doors , almost like a cover up , and I think that , that , the , this is , this incident has got such ramifications for hospital security in general , there should be a full public enquiry ; and the public have a right to know what went on .
11 A disadvantage of the microscope aid is that as the magnification increases the size of the lens has to decrease , owing to the weight and expense of high-powered lenses , and this results again in a smaller field of view .
12 The message from the strategists is that if the Tories win , the stocks to benefit will be the cyclical ones , whose fortunes would be boosted by a swift end to recession .
13 The disadvantage is that if the ball is n't in quickly enough you 're on your way down .
14 The unstated corollary is that if the computer models do n't predict the impact of El Chichón on climate successfully , it will cast doubt on their accuracy in predicting other climatic changes — such as the ‘ greenhouse effect ’ , the hypothetical warming effect that is due to the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere .
15 What is radical in Habermas 's proposal is that while the possibility of speaking the truth is enstructured in every utterance , all the other modes of grounding truth become sources of distortion ; historical world-view , ideology , scientism , material determinism , reduction to class consciousness .
16 Another point to be noted in this connexion is that if the dynamic range of a passage does not exceed mf , the balance , upset by the division of one or more departments of the strings , can be restored by means of suitable expression-marks .
17 The scheme of the 1954 Act is that if the lease is more than six months ( which is presumably the situation in your case ) and the premises are occupied for the purposes of your business , then the lease does not automatically come to an end .
18 ( The true story of Niagara is that when the European settlers first arrived they were so impressed by the tack stores , that they decided to build the falls ) .
19 One problem with the circuit is that when the input is a low-frequency signal , the output amplitude becomes large and limiting may occur at the potentials of the bias supply .
20 My contention is that although the colonial legal system was influenced by culture conflict at the beginning of British rule , it was soon adapted and accepted as an integral social institution by the mass of the people .
21 What , what it 's frustrating for a slow bowler is that if the batsman put his left pad down the wicket and held his bat up in the air , clearly not playing his shot for all to see , then I 'm sure that we , you know , it , the batsman be given out L B W quite frequently , but because the bat is hovering just behind that left pad erm , he 's never given out .
22 The thesis of government overload is that as the responsibilities of government have increased , its capacity to meet them has decreased : the combination of these two features has resulted in an overloading of government .
23 My prophecy is that if the powers that be do n't support the manager and buy players then the best manager Carrick have had since the glory days of Jimmy .
24 The difference is that whereas the policeman is justified in acting as he does , the citizen is merely excused from criminal liability on the grounds that he lacks mens rea .
25 One relevant difference is that whereas the Renaissance aspiration to assimilate Rome was realizable , no analogous aspiration was possible for Germany vis-a-vis Greece .
26 The only difference is that where the vaccine manufacturers use two strains of human flu viruses-one that grows well in hen 's eggs and the other with the currently circulating strain of flu virus so as to get the right antigens — the object in the latest work is to obtain a non-disease causing flu virus that will grow in humans but will also protect against the particular strain of wild type flu that is in circulation .
27 What this may have suggested to Tolkien is that if the Old English and Old Norse sources agreed that ‘ Earendel ’ was a star , the Old English and medieval German ones agreed he was a messenger of hope to the heathens .
28 One perplexing feature of this conclusion is that since the late nineteenth century far fewer children with right hemisphere lesions are aphasic .
29 While there do seem to be systematic differences between extractive industries like petroleum and metal ore mining , and manufacturing industries like consumer goods , the general conclusion is that where the TNCs are patient and persistent they usually at least recover the value of their seized assets .
30 The long-term price of the product is that where the differing interests of producers and customers converge .
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