Example sentences of "[noun] is [verb] [prep] other " in BNC.

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1 And if you want to try to understand say something like the er Iran Contra scandal then part of the roots of that scandal lie in the American constitution in the way that there is , th that the president is controlled by other aspects of the constitution .
2 ‘ It shows how the estate action programme is combining with other initiatives to bring comprehensive improvements to run-down estates . ’
3 The problem of jet-set pests in aircraft is reflected in other forms of transport ; container lorries are now carrying many of the same exotic infestations that previously used to arrive only by ship .
4 And , finally , Chair , the the last section , C C within committee budget , erm , this area is where the the costs of providing the central department is recharged to other departments .
5 Currently , his network of clubs covers the south east of England , in Heston , Raynes Park , Chigwell , Finchley , Enfield , Eastbourne and Bushey , although he is already looking at new sites in Kent and Scotland and the intention is to expand to other areas of Britain , including Northern Ireland .
6 Statistics on the misuse of knives are not readily available , because misuse is categorised under other offences , such as assault .
7 Christian Aid is joining with other EC agencies to lobby national governments , the European Parliament and the European Commission .
8 In the south-east corner of the massif , however , this fall is interrupted by other heights of sufficient stature and character to be classed not merely as foothills but as separate entities deserving individual attention : of these , Norber and Moughton , enclosing between them the lonely valley of Crummackdale , display features of unusual interest .
9 Delamont and Galton ( 1987 ) think that arts teachers may be attempting to overcome the low esteem in which their work is held by other teachers by adopting even more rigorous practices of pupil work assignment and evaluation than is to be observed in the practices of teachers in other areas of study thereby establishing their academic credibility .
10 Where transfer is indicated on other grounds it may be denied if this would cause undue delay which would be prejudicial to the child .
11 Child benefit is deducted from other social security entitlements , but is kept in full by parents in work .
12 In his book , The Pilgrim 's Regress , he says that the experience of intense longing is distinguished from other longings by two things :
13 Although there is some ill-feeling in Whitehall about the way the environment team leaked some ( nutty ) ideas , Mr Heseltine 's behaviour in committee is praised by other ministers .
14 Because it is so efficient Mossad is courted by other agencies who are anxious to trade off information , particularly about Arab terrorism that affects their own countries .
15 The second issue is to do with other existing roles and job specifications .
16 This will mean that you need to read two or three analyses , and to consider how your main personality type is tempered by other important traits .
17 The secondary type is associated with other autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus erthematodes .
18 The Council is associated with other local authorities represented on the national and provincial councils dealing with local authorities ' services .
19 We tend to think that it is a modern problem , trying to set up the best lifestyle so that the need for personal commitment to the home is balanced with other social and career activities .
20 In the harder nosed environment that we are now facing there will be times when schools in the public sector have to balance the needs of an individual disruptive child against the effects that the child is creating amongst other children and their parents .
21 It is understood that the Tests can be done as worksheets by a group whilst the teacher is working with other children in the class .
22 Packaging , description and colour are critical because if an acid is mixed with other products , particularly common bleach or ammonium hydroxide based formulations , dangerous fumes are released .
23 The value that your job is given by other people can make it seem worthwhile .
24 Ninety per cent of their acid deposition is caused by other countries .
25 Perhaps the most useful distinction is to think of other disciplines as studying something else through discourse ; whereas discourse analysis has discourse as its prime object of study , and though it may take excursions into many different fields , must always be careful to return to the main concern .
26 Amber 's Murray Martin is working with other independents on a strategy to counter the problem : ‘ One of the basic assumptions we have to deal with is that films made in Britain can not either break into the major circuit or survive in the market place , ’ he says .
27 It is also important to ensure that attention is paid to other areas .
28 Unlike David Sylvester , Berger found the watercolours convincing : ‘ His imaginative insight is proved amongst other things , by his exact evocation of temperature .
29 Although LCC is used by other libraries , in order to understand the format of the scheme it is necessary to recognize that it was intended to fit the LC collections and services as closely as possible , without reference to outside needs and influences .
30 This point is underscored by other observers :
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