Example sentences of "[noun] is [noun] [that] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 " Skilled work is work that women do n't do " , as Anne Phillips and Barbara Taylor succinctly put it .
2 Hammersmith Road and its schlock architecture is proof that conservationists are not as powerful as the architectural profession likes to believe .
3 THE BBC 's Halloween programme Ghostwatch is proof that viewers do react to what they see on TV .
4 The deviant is the one to whom that label has been successfully applied ; deviant behaviour is behaviour that people so label .
5 His rugby CV is second to none and his appointment is proof that Garryowen are determined to regain their status as Ireland 's premier club .
6 Meanwhile , the existence of labour shortages in the most favoured parts of late 1980s Britain is evidence that opportunities remain , but lie beyond the grasp of the potentially available workforce .
7 The fact that DEC plucked him out of its largest and most profitable systems businesses and split that down the middle so he could run the NT operation is proof that DEC expects significant results out of NT .
8 I do not think that the fact that consumer credit is at a high level is evidence that people are miserable — they have done things with the money that they have .
9 Their great unpopularity may have been the consequence of the heavy financial burden they imposed on their employers ; their mere existence is proof that money was circulating fast in western Europe ; but that they were not always paid implies an economy too immature to support them readily .
10 Thus , the most a house insurer can be expected to provide in respect of an insurance below the Agreement threshold is confirmation that insurance arrangements were extant when the security was taken .
11 And the £13 million , 100-bed Buraimi general hospital due for completion later this year is endorsement that Wimpey can build the very best .
12 A nod across the classroom , a wave across the street is evidence that God is doing the hard graft .
13 In each sequence , A is the cause of B , and C is evidence that B occurred ( and is also the effect of B ) .
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