Example sentences of "[noun] is [that] you can " in BNC.

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1 The advantage of using the OSCLI command is that you can use a variable for the file name and the command does not need to be the last ( or only ) one on a line .
2 The Precision in a way is too middly , but the thing about the Jazz is that you can get more top and bottom from it at the same time , and that 's the sound I like .
3 The irony is that you can create the same look for a tenner down the market .
4 On April 11 the Prime Minister , V. P. Singh , warned in a speech in the Lok Sabha ( lower house of parliament ) : " Our message to Pakistan is that you can not get away with taking Kashmir without a war . "
5 It 's a fairly thick 1″ , but the beauty of basswood is that you can be quite generous and yet still keep the overall weight down .
6 The whole idea of WYSIWYG is that you can see changes happening as you do things .
7 Outgoing FAXES are produced in much better quality than normal FAX machines as there is no ‘ scanning ’ of the original document — the only disadvantage is that you can not send an existing document , unless it has been previously sent to you , or you key it into Word processing or Desk Top Publishing .
8 But one of the most pleasant of functions is that you can select a sentence by triple clicking on a word within it .
9 Another plus of the pension mortgage is that you can claim tax relief on your pension contributions .
10 The third piece of evidence for the big bang is that you can see it .
11 The marvellous thing about basic cheap ottomans is that you can paint them any colour to match the prevailing decor of the room and you can cover the lid with padded material , or even carpet , to make a seat .
12 His latest joke is that you can tell a happy musher by the dog shit on his teeth .
13 What is nice about the AX diesel is that you can smile smugly about the miles you are effortlessly squeezing from every gallon , in the knowledge you have sacrificed little along the way .
14 The trouble with this alien business is that you can not trust your senses .
15 The good thing about the forest is that you can have a lot of people around and still not have everybody in one area , you can still get a feeling of wilderness .
16 Certainly , one plus point is that you can record three to four hours of material onto the one tape .
17 It 's not up to a writer to say whether a book works or not , but the point is that you can have good ideas and write bad novels from them !
18 The type of notes you make are personal but the important point is that you can follow them with only a glance .
19 I might have checked out the financial aspects of buying into the station , but one thing I 've learned over the years is that you can never do too much research .
20 One big advantage of using Creation 6 for Deco card designing is that you can always check whether the pattern will repeat both side to side and vertically , very easily .
21 But the main disadvantage of the Edinburgh Room is that you can borrow slides only and not everything can be photocopied .
22 The innovation of the laser-guided bomb is that you can aim at anything : just point the laser at it , and the bomb will fall on it if it can .
23 Freer-Smith added , ‘ The problem with surveys is that you can not establish a causal relationship . ’
24 One of the advantages of not knowing too much about things is that you can keep sacred cows in the without noticing .
25 For some of us it 's pitting our strength against the elements , for others it 's pitting our wits against other people by going racing and yet other people seek adventure by exploring new sailing areas and the beauty of a small sail boat like the Topper is that you can do all of these .
26 Clearly the great advantage of thinking about your visual as well as your verbal behaviour is that you can choose visual behaviours which help rather than hinder progress towards your objective .
27 One of the other things , of course , we 've got to always bear in mind when we und , try to understand the parables of Jesus is that you can not , and Jesus never meant for us , to find us u our , you know a parallel for every single little detail , the for for the colour of this , or the colour of that , or th the shape of something else , he did n't expect us and did n't mean for us to find out a pa a a parallel , a meaning for every single detail because otherwise you 're gon na be contradicting yourself again and again but what we must see is , what is the main basic truth that Jesus is teaching here ?
28 However , the great advantage of a good video is that you can actually witness the process of developing a piece of work , stage by stage , and be shown individual techniques , as well as be informed and entertained .
29 However , the positive side to the cosmic pattern is that you can find not just a fleeting romance but true love , if not your soulmate .
30 The good news is that you can take steps to prevent heart attacks happening to you and your family .
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