Example sentences of "[noun] is [adv] seen [conj] " in BNC.

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1 For instance , domestic violence is now seen as unacceptable , whereas until recently it might have been considered a ‘ private ’ affair .
2 It is hard to decide whether the result is better seen as self-indulgent twaddle , or , as Robert Lowell said of the Oxford Book of Modern Verse : ‘ Maybe it 's the ultimate Larkin poem ’ , so maybe this is the supreme Ted Hughes fiction .
3 The lack of substantial commitments to action is widely seen as reflecting conflicting interests and clashes within the government , particularly among the Departments of Transport , Energy , Agriculture and Trade and Industry where the environment is a contentious issue .
4 Tail held erect with its whole length quivered This gentle quivering action is often seen after a cat has been greeted by its owner .
5 Erm , Local Government and Local Council work is often seen as being very drab and indeed we all know that it 's becoming probably less exciting nowadays with the constraints that there are and what Councils still require er in abundance are characters , people who bring a bit of excitement to Council affairs w i at whatever level and I think that one thing that has is character , sadly missing in so many younger politicians I must say .
6 Exercise is now seen as being an important aspect of lifestyle which is associated with health status .
7 The true value of a lifetime 's loneliness is then seen as Nothingness , Emptiness , perfectly expressed in the minimal art of traditional ikebana , and in the minimal , marginal existence of the person without ties , without permanent position , situation , family , roots .
8 Because Richard usurped the throne , his retinue is inevitably seen as inimical to the crown and therefore in an important sense independent of royal authority .
9 Because Richard usurped the throne , his retinue is inevitably seen as inimical to the crown and therefore in an important sense independent of royal authority .
10 Male aggression in hunting and war is also seen as affected .
11 The major problems facing the industry are that the product is still seen as difficult to cook and boring by non-buyers , said Keith Simpson , head of the British Turkey Information Service ( BTIS ) , at the annual turkey industry conference in Norwich yesterday .
12 The overconstrained product design process is thus seen as emphasizing the weight of the analysis phase and its direct influence on both the scheming and manufacturing stages ( see Figure I .4 ) .
13 Because the cells move very slowly the process is best seen when speeded up in a time-lapse film .
14 And if the vast preponderant mass of occult lore is finally seen as empty and meaningless , so is the book , in which case we are wasting our time .
15 The environmentalist is increasingly seen as ‘ being on the side of the public ’ , fighting pollution and striving to improve our quality of life .
16 The strategy of ‘ pro-Zionism ’ is not pro-Zionist in the usual sense , for Zionism is still seen as more than Jewish nationalism — as an immensely powerful force controlling the minds of the public .
17 The criticism is then seen as being political and if the electors of Greater London disapprove of what is done in their name by their representatives , the remedy lies in their hands at the next election .
18 What has been a human event is now seen as sacred .
19 What is interesting is that , while in the Third World education is still seen as ( and still is ) a pathway to a new economic existence , here in the Western World we have passed along that pathway and are fast approaching a crossroads without any identifying markers .
20 This period of Eliot 's development is often seen as one of increasing narrowing , so that it is useful to emphasize that while it certainly represents a concentration of energy on Christian themes , it also represents a continuing openness to other elements and a drawing on resources whose foundations were laid in Eliot 's studies at Harvard .
21 Even in social work , working with elderly people is often seen as having less status , and being less challenging than working with other clients .
22 A mandatory offer is usually seen as something to be avoided because
23 Such a theory is then seen as explaining the deference of politicians to the interests of minorities ; and a new and perhaps superior version of democratic theory is presented which has as its hallmark the achievement of a political consensus in which minority interests are protected .
24 It is simply the case that the heroin use of the male partner places her in a situation in which the drug is not only readily available , but its use is also seen as socially acceptable .
25 Democracy is thus seen as ‘ pluralist ’ in character with politicians engaged in continuing processes of compromise with multiple groups .
26 Learning is therefore seen as experiential , so that the content of the curriculum will consist in a range of activities which present the learner with opportunities for knowing .
27 This writer would certainly have preferred the option for moving everything out of the main glen , but the fact that the centre is now seen as being a mistake is encouraging and the partial solution is vastly better than the centre being a rapidly-growing monster .
28 Street life is therefore seen as potentially a meaningful cultural or social phenomenon which performs important functions for participants , and a phenomenon capable also of variation between different social and ethnic groups .
29 Unless the category of gender is explicitly seen as of methodological importance , the question can not even be raised .
30 Schooling is sometimes seen as yet another burden on scarce family resources .
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