Example sentences of "[noun] is [adv] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 What good is there in preventing it , in soiling your daughter 's reputation when it could remain clear ?
2 Where informality is the keynote , a curve-shaped pond is more in keeping but choose a relatively simple outline
3 Finally and most significantly the closing sentence of the extract is well worth repeating : " It will be the teacher 's judgement , made over time and through observing performance in different tasks , whether pupils can be said to have attained . "
4 Guidance is primarily about maximising learning capacity , and many of the conventional ‘ pastoral ’ assumptions — about the role of the daily form period , for example — will need to be reviewed .
5 The effect is rather like peeping into someone 's mind and glimpsing snatches of recalled images , thoughts and conversation .
6 Compact is essentially about celebrating success rather than recording failure .
7 The reps ' cabaret is well worth seeing as well .
8 De Niro is always worth watching and here the mixture of confusion and hurt pride he brings to his character 's plight is very convincing .
9 The propagation is also by dividing the rootstock or runners .
10 But for some local businesses an extra 4 pence is well worth fighting over .
11 The Plan is therefore about making choices .
12 The NFU is also against undergrounding because it would disrupt farming during installation , repair and maintenance work .
13 To expect them to stride manfully towards independence is rather like asking them to dive before they have been taught to swim .
14 Sport is more about making friends , building communities , and sharing experiences than keeping fit .
15 ‘ Weapons issue is immediately after briefing . ’
16 But because the council is behind in adjusting people 's entitlement to benefit , she continued to draw housing benefit during 1988 on the assumption that her son was still part of her household .
17 Mr Fothergills ' new lettuce is certainly worth trying .
18 The advice recorded in John 's Gospel is always worth following : ‘ Do whatever he tells you ’ ( John 2.5 ) .
19 The valley between the Quantocks and the Brendon Hills is well worth exploring .
20 But Bonnat 's gallery is well worth going to .
21 Arlington Mill is well worth exploring , even for those with only a passing interest in milling history , its other exhibits and displays both interesting and informative .
22 ‘ The focus is now on making more effective use of IT in improving business performance . ’
23 But the disc is probably worth purchasing for the Weill alone , a work which Klemperer commissioned from the composer after attending and enjoying performances of the Dreigroschenoper in Berlin in 1929 .
24 The Embalmer therefore , acquires an attitude towards his job of complete satisfaction — satisfaction that he is doing a job and that job is well worth doing .
25 Putting an exact figure on Britain 's NAIRU is rather like chasing a mirage , but changes in unemployment and inflation give clues to its general area .
26 The arguments put forward can be interesting in themselves , but their drift is often towards making the context of the art shown more understandable .
27 However , several authors have suggested that such an approach ignores the facts that people commit fraud , not computers , and that computer security is therefore about controlling people rather than machines .
28 The eyes of BURMA and its growing generation is opening with speed and certainty — the PINNACLE OF BRITISH and European superiority is crumbling to dust — BEWARE the pent up strength of all Asiatics is well near bursting point-THE STRUGGLE FOR TOTAL FREEDOM OF ALL SUBJECT PEOPLES IS SURE TO BEGIN IN THE NOT DISTANT FUTURE .
29 You can buy oval frames made from plastic , but they are usually not very well finished and will not do a lot to improve your design , or wood , which in my opinion is always worth paying a little extra for .
30 Establishing with clarity the starting point of a business is rather like playing three-dimensional chess .
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