Example sentences of "[noun] it would [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 He had n't admitted this for fear it would disqualify him from this part of the mission , and anyway he had thought he would feel safe behind the comforting protection of a pump-action .
2 What consternation it would cause him if he were to find out .
3 If he went round by either the footbridge or the traffic bridge it would take him longer since the wherry lay about half-way between the two .
4 He had positioned himself in a narrow doorway , in the vain hope it would provide him with some shelter from the biting cold .
5 She got herself a job in Reading college , she got somebody to take her down there and a place to get an English A Level , and Mary said it 's a thing with her she wants to get this English A Level cos her father had one and she feels that is she could get and English A Level it would impress him , he , she spends her life trying to impress her father who does n't really takes much notice of her , .
6 went down on the bus it would take him
7 So on Saturday , Party Politics , dwarfing his 39 opponents , set off in new colours with new jockey Carl Llewellyn to see how many strides it would take him to cover the most famous four and a half miles in sport .
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