Example sentences of "[noun] it must have be " in BNC.

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1 Claudia had gone away with him , and to Myra 's romantic mind it must have been a foregone conclusion that they would become lovers and live happily ever after .
2 I am not certain of the date when the Navy finally abandoned the general use of hammocks , but to my mind it must have been as retrogressive a decision as that taken when abandoning the tot of ‘ Nelson 's blood ’ at 12 noon every day !
3 In its heyday it must have been a good little vehicle , but now it was definitely finished .
4 When it touched Parker it had evidently acquired a tremendous spin , and for a second it must have been spinning beneath me .
5 What a delight it must have been to watch express trains thundering up the bank at Arkwright bridge .
6 If ever Joseph felt King of Spain it must have been on his triumphal progress in Andalusia .
7 An uncommonly good lunch it must have been that day .
8 The hours can be calculated by totalling all the man hours expended as a result of the false report , e.g. a false report is made by a driver , involved in a hit and run accident , that his car had been stolen and at the time of the accident it must have been driven by the thief and not himself .
9 Whenever I motor past , I imagine what a joy it must have been once upon a time to see him in action around the commons and village greens , stroking that famous beard and then scattering the pony and traps with his magnificent blows .
10 We know with what confidence it must have been made .
11 What an undesired posting it must have been !
12 This means that in individual families it must have been rather unusual to have grandparents surviving much beyond the infancy of their grandchildren , and thus relationships across three generations would have been comparatively rare .
13 At the time of its foundation it must have been a serenely beautiful sight to behold — spreading golden-white stonework set amid the pastoral Lincolnshire greens .
14 Well so I went and then they came on the Friday night it must have been the twenty twenty fifth of July ninete nineteen thirty .
15 ‘ None of the brothers ever heard any disturbance in the night , ’ said Owen sombrely , ‘ but in the night it must have been done , between Lauds and Prime .
16 In the past it must have been necessary for spectators to keep well clear or be vigilant .
17 She tried to imagine what an imposing building it must have been in its time .
18 We have seen what a struggle it must have been for men in the late 18th century to keep body and soul together — how much worse , then , for their womenfolk .
19 Eva never speaks of being afraid as the various political situations blew up even though at times it must have been rather like walking a tightrope after UDI .
20 At least by the time that the friend heard the click it must have been settled on that occasion that the electron 's spin was " up " .
21 Erm well we put two cats through as well so erm I think it all in all with the flights out and the flights back and the quarantine it must have been about three thousand pounds .
22 ‘ Better get moving , ’ he thought He stopped as he turned Had he imagined it , no , he was sure something had flashed in the moonlight It must have been a good quarter of a mile away , towards the middle of the estuary .
23 I mean it was a report it must have been to the member authorities , was it a progress report or deliberations ?
24 In the end it must have been the right one because I was the best of all and I you know until five minutes before everything finished I just could n't make up my mind
25 In summer it must have been bright and baking , but in wet autumn slate-grey sky lay like another box against its repeating panes , in which lines of little round lights were reflected , like Tinkerbell 's fairylights in her Never-Never-Land .
26 ‘ Mixed marriage ’ seems such an outdated expression nowadays but at the turn of the century it must have been quite a sacrifice for both of them to make .
27 No doubt it appealed to his vanity and his ambition to be regarded as more than a mere fiddler ; but after a harrowing year it must have been a decision he bitterly regretted .
28 And if you phoned me early in the year it must have been just after we got the V W.
29 I 'd been teaching in Preston it must have been three years then , and when I read that book I suddenly realized I knew nothing about Lancashire at all — not the real Lancashire .
30 Whatever the flea was doing to his system it must have been horribly apparent , to judge by the look of repugnance on the man 's face .
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